Ray Rice may get a second chance with the NFL — but off the field

1:36 PM ET

Ray Rice’s dream of playing in the NFL again is probably over. His story, however, may be able to help other players keep their dreams alive.

Rice spoke to the Baltimore Ravens’ rookies last week, the latest action of an abuser who came to understand his actions. Unlike Greg Hardy or Ray McDonald, Rice has not only accepted responsibility for his domestic-violence incident but is adamant about opening up about it.

“[Rice] delivered an important message that included his story, both the good and the bad,” the Ravens said in a statement. “He clearly had the attention of our rookies.”

Whatever positive message that Rice brings should in no way diminish what happened in February of 2014, when he hit his future wife, Janay, in an Atlantic City elevator. But that horrific night doesn’t have to be the final word in his narrative. Since then, with the help of counseling and court-mandated anger-management classes, Rice has …

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