WWE Extreme Rules: AJ Styles Vs. Roman Reigns (WWE World Heavyweight Title Match)


The following is from our live coverage of WWE Extreme Rules. Click here for our full WWE Extreme Rules coverage.

Extreme Rules Match for the WWE World Heavyweight Title: AJ Styles vs. Roman Reigns

We go to the ring and out comes AJ Styles to a big pop. Fans start booing as they wait on Roman Reigns to come out. They get louder as the WWE World Heavyweight Champion makes his way out and raises the title.

We get formal introductions from Lilian. The bell rings and they lock up. Reigns tries to overpower first but Styles uses his speed. Styles ducks a lock up but Reigns elbows him in the nose. Fans chant “you can’t wrestle” as they trade holds. AJ with strikes in the corner until Reigns catches a kick and puts him down. Reigns with big blows in the corner. The boos continue. Reigns misses a right hand as AJ fires back. AJ charges and Reigns nails a jumping knee to the face. Reigns falls down and AJ rolls to the floor for a breather. AJ grabs a steel chair but turns around to Reigns dropping him with a right. Reigns rolls AJ back in and brings the chair.

They end up on the floor and Reigns misses a chair shot, hitting the steel steps instead as Styles moves. Styles beats Reigns around on the floor now. AJ slams Reigns’ head into the German announce team. Styles takes apart the Spanish announce table but stops and sends Reigns over the barrier into the crowd. AJ beats Reigns through the crowd but Reigns fights back. They fight over to the pre-show panel now. Reigns slams AJ on top of the glass table but it doesn’t break. Fans chant “Roman sucks” now. AJ with a big kick to the face. Styles nails a Phenomenal Forearm off the table.

They fight back to the ring and Reigns goes face first into the steel post. Styles removes a part of the protective padding on the barrier and sends Reigns into it. Styles pulls up part of the floor padding and …

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