WWE Extreme Rules Results – First Asylum Match, Huge Return, Roman Reigns Vs. AJ Styles, More


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– The 2016 WWE Extreme Rules Kickoff pre-show opens up with fans filing into the Prudential Center in Newark, New Jersey. Renee Young welcomes us and she’s joined by Booker T, Jerry Lawler and Corey Graves. They hype tonight’s show. Renee says the WWE Network has a 90% satisfaction rate. Renee sends us to Tom Phillips in the Social Media Lounge. He will have Rusev in the lounge for questions later this evening. We get hype for the first-ever Asylum match between Chris Jericho and Dean Ambrose tonight. They show the Asylum structure hanging above the ring full of weapons.

– We come back from a break and get hype for the WWE Women’s Title match. Paige and Becky Lynch join the panel to discuss the match. Paige predicts Charlotte will retain because she’s sneaky. Lawler goes with Charlotte, Becky goes with Natalya and Booker agrees. Paige and Becky leave the panel as Renee hypes tonight’s No DQ match. We take a break and come back to The Dudley Boyz coming out.

– Mauro Ranallo and Byron Saxton are on commentary. Some fans boo as Bubba Ray Dudley and D-Von Dudley hit the ring. ECW chants start up now. D-Von asks what would Extreme Rules be without The Dudleyz. Bubba says they have been in more extreme matches than the entire locker room combined. Bubba asks if everyone remembers ECW and of course they do.

Bubba tells fans to shut their mouth and stop acting like sheep. Bubba says in reality, The Dudleyz were responsible for killing off ECW because it went to the toilet when they left. Bubba says the toilet is where most of these “New Era” stars’ careers will be going. They go on and tease getting the tables but diss New Jersey instead. They are above extreme now. The music hits and out comes Big Cass to a big pop.

Cass cracks a joke about Bubba eating the table and all the food on it. Cass says the stars of the New Era will prove that they do what Bubba and D-Von used to do in front of bingo halls, but they do it better and in front of millions of people. Cass goes on with his promo and approaches the ring. He enters and gets attacked. Cass fights back but goes down to one knee. Fans chant for Enzo Amore as Cass tries to fight back to his feet. Cass moves and Bubba clotheslines D-Von. Cass boots Bubba and hits the East River Crossing on D-Von. Cass leaves and grabs a mic, leading the crowd in a “S.A.W.F.T” as we go to replays.

– We see Rusev and Lana getting ready in the Social Media Lounge.

– Renee sends us backstage to Jojo. She’s with Maryse and WWE Intercontinental Champion The Miz. Miz mocks a movie promo and Maryse applauds him. He does a second take and apparently nails it. We go back to the panel for discussion on tonight’s Fatal 4 Way and then to the Social Media Lounge with Tom Phillips, Rusev and Lana. Rusev isn’t worried about Kalisto’s speed because he has size. Lana says Kalisto is a cheater and he will see what happens tonight. They answer a few more questions and we go to a video package for tonight’s main event.

No DQ Match: Baron Corbin vs. Dolph Ziggler

We go back to Mauro and Saxton as the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal trophy is at ringside. Baron Corbin makes his way out first as Eden does the introductions. Dolph Ziggler is out next to a pop.

Corbin mushes Ziggler to start. Ziggler fires back and unloads on Corbin for a 1 count. Ziggler takes Corbin to the corner for more strikes. Corbin launches Ziggler to the floor. Ziggler fights back but Corbin pulls Ziggler face first into the ring post. Corbin rolls him back in the ring and nails elbows in the corner. Corbin with more offense and a pin attempt. Corbin ties Ziggler up in the ropes and works him over while talking trash.

Corbin keeps Ziggler on the mat now. Ziggler breaks free with a jawbreaker and moves as Corbin charges. Corbin lands on the floor but comes back in. Ziggler with clotheslines and a splash in the corner. Ziggler gets hype after a neckbreaker. Corbin avoids an elbow drop and rolls to the floor. Ziggler grabs him but Corbin snaps him over the top rope. Corbin comes in and Ziggler nails a dropkick, then the elbow drop for a 2 count. Ziggler counters a move but gets caught in a big Deep Six for a 2 count. Ziggler ends up hitting a big DDT after a few counters. Ziggler with the Fame-asser for a 2 count.

Ziggler unloads with strikes, elbows and headbutts. Corbin ducks a superkick and nails a stiff low blow. Fans boo as Ziggler falls to the mat in pain. Corbin nails End of Days for the win.

Winner: Baron Corbin

– After the match, Corbin stands tall as we go to replays. We come back and Corbin smirks as the referee checks on Ziggler. We go back to the panel to wrap the pre-show.

– The 2016 WWE Extreme Rules pay-per-view kicks off with a video package. We’re live from the Prudential Center as the pyro goes off. Michael Cole welcomes us and he’s joined by JBL and Byron Saxton at ringside. We see the international announce teams at ringside.

Texas Tornado Tag Team Match: The Usos vs. Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson

The Usos are out first, followed by Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson to a big pop. The teams start brawling at ringside and go at it. Jimmy Uso ends up beat down at ringside, allowing Jey Uso to dive out onto Gallows and Anderson. Jey brings it back in and hits a crossbody on Anderson for a 2 count. Gallows runs Uso into the ring post on the floor. Jey dives out but Gallows catches him. Anderson dives off the apron for a big double team move.

Lots more back and forth action in and out of the ring. Anderson runs over Uso on the floor. Gallows stops Jey from diving out by holding his leg. Anderson runs in and hits Jey with a knee to the face. Anderson launches Uso into a big boot from Gallows for a 2 count. Fans boo as The Usos go up for double splashes. Anderson pushes Uso off to stop the sequence. Uso misses a corkscrew on Gallows. Gallows takes a Samoan Drop. Anderson takes out Uso for a 2 count. Anderson yells at Uso on the floor and charges but runs into a big superkick.

Uso hits the Rikishi splash against the barrier but Gallows floors him. Gallows tosses Uso into the crowd. Gallows yells at Anderson to get up. Gallows grabs the ring bell and brings it in but gets superkicked. Uso goes for a splash but Gallows moves and he hits the bell. Anderson comes in for Magic Killer on Uso for the win.

Winners: Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson

– After the match, The Club stands tall as we go to replays. The Usos are down on the floor as referees help them to the back. Gallows and Anderson look on from the ring.

WWE United States Title Match: Rusev vs. Kalisto

We come back from a break and Eden introduces Lana, to do the introduction for Rusev. Cole shows us more international announce teams, including Sho Funaki helping with the Japanese commentary. WWE United States Champion Kalisto is out next.

Rusev misses a kick and Kalisto nails some of his own. More back and forth. Kalisto goes for a corkscrew but Rusev knocks him out of the air. Rusev stomps away and keeps control. Rusev drops Kalisto with a big kick as some fans chant for Lana. Rusev drops a big elbow and covers for a pin attempt. Rusev keeps control and applies a bearhug and takes it to the mat. Rusev breaks the hug but drops a big knee to the back. Rusev puts Kalisto in a Torture Rack now.

Kalisto gets a sleeper locked in at one point but it’s broken. More back and forth. Kalisto with a big DDT out of the corner. Kalisto with kicks now. Rusev pushes him off and catches him. Kalisto lands on his feet and ducks clotheslines. Kalisto with a corkscrew and a hurricanrana for a 2 count. Kalisto springboards in but rolls through and dumps Rusev over the ropes. Kalisto ends up sending Rusev face first into the steel ring steps. Kalisto springboards in but Rusev kicks out at 2.

They come back in and Kalisto goes to the top. Rusev catches him and slams him on the apron. The referee checks on Rusev and backs Rusev off. A trainer comes over and checks on Kalisto but Rusev drags him in the middle of the ring by his foot. Rusev stomps on Kalisto but the referee stops him and checks on Kalisto again. Rusev stomps and applies The Accolade for the win and the gold.

Winner: Rusev

– After the match, Rusev celebrates with Lana as we go to replays. He goes in front of the announcers and raises the title. Rusev leaves as trainers check on Kalisto in the ring.

WWE Tag Team Title Match: The New Day vs. The Vaudevillains

Back from a break and out comes WWE Tag Team Champions Big E, Xavier Woods and Kofi Kingston. They talk about their time machine getting destroyed and make some TV-14 jokes. They end it with a “New Day rocks” chant until the music interrupts. Fans boo as Simon Gotch and Aiden English begin their entrance.

Woods starts off with a big …

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