Senator: NFL should release PSI in Brady case


If the NFL is going to punish Tom Brady for deflating footballs, then the league needs to prove that Brady and the Patriots actually deflate footballs.

That’s the stance of U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.), who is calling for the NFL to release its PSI findings from the 2015 season.

Shaheen took to Twitter on Thursday to let America know that she doesn’t believe the league has any “credible evidence” against Tom Brady.

.@nflcommish should release results of checked balls. Public has right to know. No credible evidence against #TB12

— Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (@SenatorShaheen) April 27, 2016

The PSI numbers of the footballs used during the AFC title game between the Patriots and Colts became the main point of contention early in Deflategate. Under NFL rules, a ball has to be inflated to at least 12.5 PSI.

When the Deflategate footballs were measured at halftime, almost every Patriots ball had a measurement lower than 12.5 PSI.

The Patriots argued that the drop was natural and due to the Ideal Gas Law, while the NFL argued that …

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