WWE Superstars Recap: Sami Zayn Gets A Win, Curtis Axel, Neville Vs. Jinder Mahal


The Superstars opening video kicks off the show after the usual WWE signature. Sami Zayn and Curtis Axel make their entrances as Tom Philips and Corey Graves check in on commentary.

Sami Zayn vs. Curtis Axel

They lock up. Axel locks in a wrist lock. Zayn is able to flip Axel onto the mat. Zayn pins Axel for a one count. Axel slides out of the ring. Axel gets onto the ring apron and yells at the referee. Zayn pulls the top rope to flip Axel into the ring. Zayn briefly locks in a wrist lock, prior to Axel kneeing him in the midsection. Axel punches Zayn before sending him to the ropes. Zayn springboards over Axel. Zayn hits three arm drags on Axel. Zayn locks in an arm submission on Axel before being backed into the corner. Zayn moves out of the way of a chop from Axel prior to connecting with a chop of his own in the corner. Zayn throws Axel to the ropes. Axel catches himself and slides out of the ring. Axel slides back in the ring and Zayn rolls out of it, Zayn grabs Axel’s leg though. Axel punches Zayn in the face several times. Axel throws Zayn into the ropes prior to hitting a dropkick. Axel hits a back breaker on Zayn and pins him for a two count. Axel locks in a shoulder submission on Zayn. Zayn eventually hits an arm drag on Axel. Axel immediately comes back with a clothesline to Zayn in the corner. Zayn hits an inverted exploder suplex on Axel into the corner shortly after. Zayn hits the helluva kick on Axel in the corner. Zayn pins Axel for the win.

Winner: Sami Zayn

A recap …

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