WWE Clash Of Champions Results – New Champion Crowned, Best Of 7 Series, Chris Jericho, More


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– The 2016 WWE Clash of Champions Kickoff pre-show opens live from Indianapolis with Renee Young, Lita, Booker T and Jerry Lawler. They hype the first RAW-exclusive pay-per-view. They hype the show and send us back to the Social Media Lounge with Tom Phillips. Sami Zayn will be joining him later. Fans can submit their questions with #AskSami. The panel leads us to a video on tonight’s WWE United States Title match.

– We go back to the panel for more discussion. Renee hypes tonight’s matches for the women’s division. Sasha Banks is backstage with Andrea D’Marco. She says payback is going to punch Charlotte in the face tonight. Tonight is not about Bayley either, it’s about The Boss as she becomes a two-time champion. Dana Brooke walks up and Andrea leaves. Dana says Sasha should be very afraid tonight. Sasha reminds Dana how Charlotte treats her and threatens Dana if she gets involved. We get a video package for tonight’s Women’s Title match. Sheamus eventually joins the panel. He gives props as his toughest opponent next to Daniel Bryan. Sheamus is confident he will win the Best of 7 Series tonight. We get a video package to hype tonight’s Cruiserweight Title match.

– We get hype for Chris Jericho vs. Sami Zayn and go back to Sami in the Social Media Lounge for fan questions. Sami has had all sorts of highlights in his career but the highlight will be when he wins the WWE Universal Title. Sami says the best gift Jericho could give him tonight is a piece of the old Jericho, the one he looked up to and modeled his career after. Sami says he might have to just settle for beating Jericho up tonight. We go back to the panel for more discussion on that match and the WWE Tag Team Title match. Renee hypes tonight’s pre-show match and sends us to a break.

Nia Jax vs. Alicia Fox

We go to Michael Cole, Corey Graves and Byron Saxton. They hype the next match as Alicia Fox makes her way out. Nia Jax is out next.

The bell rings and Alicia nails a dropkick. She unloads but gets scooped and rammed in the corner. Nia drops Fox and works her over now. Nia with a splash in the corner. Jax tosses Alicia and stomps on her. Nia ragdolls Alicia with a submission now. Alicia tries to make a comeback but gets cut off. Alicia sidesteps out of the corner and finally gets some offense in. Nia won’t go down. Fox gets sent to the apron but drops Nia over the top rope. Fox goes up top and hits a crossbody for a 2 count.

Alicia with the scissors kick for a 2 count. Nia comes back and floors Fox. She scoops her but Alicia slides out. Nia with a running shot in the corner. Nia scoops Alicia for the big Samoan Drop for the win.

Winner: Nia Jax

– After the match, Nia stands tall as we go to replays. Nia makes her exit while Alicia is still down in the ring.

– We go back to the panel for discussion on the match and a WWE Network promo. They hype tonight’s main event and that’s it for the pre-show.

– The 2016 WWE Clash of Champions pay-per-view kicks off with pyro from the Bankers Life Fieldhouse in Indianapolis. Michael Cole, Corey Graves and Byron Saxton welcome us.

WWE Tag Team Title Match: Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson vs. The New Day

We go to the ring and out come WWE Tag Team Champions The New Day. Sporting new t-shirts, Big E, Xavier Woods and Kofi Kingston hit the ring and cut promos on their opponents. Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson are out next.

We see the Spanish and German announce teams at ringside. The bell rings and The Club looks to make quick work of the champions. Anderson with a 2 count on Kofi as Gallows has taken Big E and Xavier Woods down on the floor. Anderson works over Kofi as Gallows comes back to the apron. Gallows comes in and keeps control of Kofi. Big E finally gets a tag as he unloads on Anderson with suplexes. Big E runs the ropes and hits the big splash. More back and forth. Anderson ends up sending Big E into a Gallows boot, leading to a close 2 count on Big E as Kofi breaks it up. Big E launches Anderson to the floor.

Kofi tags again but Anderson nails a spinebuster for a close 2 count. Gallows comes back in but Kofi ducks a boot. Gallows blocks the SOS. Gallows nails a chokeslam on Kofi and superkicks Big E. Anderson comes in and they go for Magic Killer on Kofi but he blocks it. Gallows gets sent tot he floor. Anderson ends up taking a Big Ending but Gallows pulls him out of a 2 count. Big E sends Gallows into the steps. Kofi leaps out onto Gallows. Woods uses Francesca on Anderson while the referee isn’t looking. Big E and Kofi hit the Midnight Hour for the win.

Winners: Big E and Kofi Kingston

– After the match, Gallows checks on Anderson as The New Day makes their exit. We go to replays.

– The announcers lead us to a video package on the cruiserweights.

WWE RAW Cruiserweight Title Match: Brian Kendrick vs. TJ Perkins

Tom Phillips is backstage with RAW Cruiserweight Champion TJ Perkins. He’s been training for this moment since 1998. He admits he’s a bit nervous. Brian Kendrick has been here before and has been a champion before but confidence got TJ to where he is and he’s confident he will leave as champion. He tells Tom to wish him luck and walks off. We go to the ring and out comes Brian Kendrick first. TJ Perkins is out next with the gold, also with a new entrance like Kendrick.

Perkins offers a handshake before the match but Kendrick refuses. Back and forth to start. Kendrick comes out of the corner and takes Perkins down with a headlock. Perkins comes back with some offense and goes for a submission but Kendrick escapes to the floor. Kendrick gets Perkins wrapped up in the apron and beats on him. Kendrick brings it back in and keeps control as we get dueling chants from the crowd. Perkins comes back with some submission holds, including a dab into a Muta Lock. Kendrick gets the ropes. Kendrick ends up sending Perkins to the floor. Kendrick sells a leg injury and limps out. Kendrick brings it back in for a 2 count.

More back and forth. Kendrick comes back in but runs into a kick to the head. Kendrick launches Perkins onto his neck for a 2 count. Kendrick with another submission. Perkins breaks it and hits a mule kick. Perkins looks to make a comeback now. Perkins with a neckbreaker and modified atomic drop for a 2 count. Perkins goes on and ends up …

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