WWE Clash Of Champions: Seth Rollins Vs. Kevin Owens (WWE Universal Title Match)


– Foley and Stephanie approach Rollins backstage and wish him good luck but he’s not buying it.

– We get a video package for the main event.

WWE Universal Title Match: Seth Rollins vs. Kevin Owens

We go to the ring and out comes Seth Rollins for the main event. WWE Universal Champion Kevin Owens is out next. We get formal introductions from JoJo.

They go at it to start and end up on the floor early on. Rollins with a knee from the apron. They bring it back in and Rollins ends up covering for a 2 count. More back and forth now. Owens drops Rollins over the top but gets kicked for a Pedigree attempt. Owens sends Rollins to the apron. Rollins flies in but has to roll through. Owens ends up dropping Rollins with a DDT for a 2 count. Rollins rolls to the floor and clutches his knee. Owens launches him into the barrier.

Owens keeps control and talks trash while beating Rollins around. Rollins fights back with strikes. Owens nails a big elbow to the forehead for a 2 count. Rollins goes to the floor in pain as Owens mocks him. Owens nails a big elbow from the apron. The referee counts Rollins but he makes it back in at the 7 count. Owens keeps control and keeps Rollins down with a headlock while talking trash.

Owens launches Rollins into the corners and continues to talk trash. Rollins finally makes a comeback and hits Slingblade. Rollins with more offense and a 2 count. Rollins takes apart the Spanish announce …

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