Opinion: Laser Focus



There’s a line from “Godfather 3,” which is – by far – the inferior installment of the esteemed movie trilogy, that perfectly captures the biggest story in NASCAR today:

“Just when I think I’m out, they pull me back in!”

In the film, Michael Corleone (played by Al Pacino) delivers the line when he thought he was done with the “family business” only to be brought back in through a series of circumstances better to discover by watching the film.

But I can relate to my fellow (if only fictitious) Italians these days as I try to navigate my way through watching the Chase unfold. No matter how hard I try to get away from the discussion of post-race laser inspection and its ramifications on the championship, I get sucked right back in every time.

NASCAR officials have stated several times in recent days that the sanctioning body wants the focus on actual racing and competition rather than the process of inspecting cars after events.

While it’s a noble sentiment, it isn’t possible.

Not when penalties and punishment, even …

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