WWE Backlash Results – Several New Champions Crowned, No Holds Barred Match, Randy Orton, More


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– The 2016 WWE Backlash Kickoff pre-show kicks off live from Richmond, Virginia. Renee Young is joined by WWE Hall of Famers Lita, Booker T and Jerry Lawler as fans make their way into the Richmond Coliseum. We go backstage to Tom Phillips in the Social Media Lounge. He plugs tonight’s hashtags and will be joined by Rhyno and Heath Slater later tonight. Tom sends us back to Renee and she leads us to a video on tonight’s WWE Intercontinental Title match.

We come back to the panel and everyone picks The Miz to retain. SmackDown General Manager Daniel Bryan is backstage with Apollo Crews. Bryan wants Crews to go out and have more fun. Baron Corbin interrupts and he’s upset about being left off Backlash. He disses Crews and tries to tell Bryan how to do his job. Crews and Corbin have words. Bryan makes a match between the two for the pre-show. We go back to the panel for more discussion on tonight’s show, including Bray Wyatt vs. Randy Orton. They are still acting like the match will take place, despite Orton not being cleared. Booker and Lita predict Orton will win why Lawler goes with Wyatt. We see Slater and Rhyno backstage setting up in the Social Media Lounge. Renee plugs the WWE Network and sends us to a promo.

Back from the break and we see The Usos injuring Chad Gable. The panel sends us back to Tom with Heath Slater and Rhyno. They’re full of jokes and Slater is looking forward to upgrading his trailer after earning a SmackDown contract tonight. Rhyno says they should take his kids to Golden Corral to celebrate. Rhyno says their team name may be “Beauty and The ManBeast” but hopefully he’s joking. We go back to the panel before Renee sends us to another promo. We come back and get discussion for tonight’s Six-Pack Challenge to crown the first SmackDown Women’s Title. Alexa Bliss has joined the panel and has an interesting look going for tonight. Bliss says everyone else may have more experience than her but she has no competition and the new era was made for her. Bliss also gets an attitude with Lita. She says she’s not leaving the ring without the title tonight. Renee sends us to the ring after more talk from the panel.

Baron Corbin vs. Apollo Crews

We go to Mauro Ranallo, JBL and David Otunga at ringside. Apollo Crews makes his way out first as Greg Hamilton does the introductions. Baron Corbin is out next.

The bell rings and they lock up. Corbin pushes Crews towards the corner. They talk trash and lock up again. Corbin does the same thing. They go to lock up again and Crews goes behind. They run the ropes and Corbin drops Crews with a shoulder. More back and forth until Crews hits a dropkick. Corbin dumps Crews to the apron. Crews with a right hand. Crews tries to springboard in but Corbin knocks him out of the air. Crews hits the floor hard and we go to break.

Back from the break and Crews is fighting back but Corbin drops him with an elbow. Crews looks to make a comeback with kicks and knees. Crews with a leaping lariat as fans cheer. Crews with a splash in the corner. Corbin counters and ends up on the floor but runs right back in with a big shot to the back of the head. Corbin beats on Crews as fans boo now.

Corbin continues to beat Crews around. Crews fights back but gets leveled with a huge clothesline for a 2 count. Corbin tries to go out and back in again but Crews catches him with a knee to the jaw. The referee counts as both are down now. Crews blocks a shot and nails an enziguri. Crews with the standing moonsault for a 2 count. Corbin with a modified STO for a 2 count. Corbin charges in the corner but Crews moves. Crews slams Corbin for a close 2 count. Corbin knocks Crews off and catches him in a Deep Six for a 2 count. Crews rolls out for a breather. Corbin follows and charges but Crews moves and Corbin crashes into the steel steps shoulder first. The referee counts as Crews catches Corbin with a Samoan Drop on the floor. Crews brings it back in the ring and goes to the top. Crews comes down after Corbin rolls out of reach. Crews takes Corbin to the floor and unloads. Crews mounts him with right hands but Corbin drops him jaw first into a knee. Corbin nails End of Days for the win.

Winner: Baron Corbin

– After the match, Corbin has his hand raised as we go to replays. We come back to Corbin standing tall in the ring as Crews tries to recover on the floor. We go back to the panel for discussion on the match.

– We see video from earlier today with Renee interviewing Nickelodeon star Jagger Eaton. He talks about his TV show, which is a sponsor of tonight’s pay-per-view. This is Jagger’s first WWE show and he teases a Superstar appearance for one of his future episodes. We get more hype for Orton vs. Wyatt and go back to the panel and Renee talks about tonight’s main event. Booker goes with AJ while Lita and Lawler predict Ambrose will retain. Renee leads us to a video package to wrap the pre-show.

– The 2016 WWE Backlash pay-per-view opens with a scrolling message for 9/11. We go to an opening video package for Backlash.

– We’re live from the Richmond Coliseum in Richmond, Virginia as the pyro goes off. Mauro Ranallo welcomes us to Backlash. He’s joined by JBL and David Otunga.

– We go right to the ring and out comes SmackDown Commissioner Shane McMahon to a pop. Shane hits the ring and dances around before SmackDown General Manager Daniel Bryan makes his way out to a pop.

We see the Spanish and German and announce teams at ringside as Mauro introduces them. Bryan finishes his entrance and it already feels like they’re trying to fill time. Shane welcomes everyone and thanks the fans for making SmackDown a success, not just the fans in attendance but those watching worldwide. He says they are responsible for ratings soaring and social media mentions going off the chain. Shane says he loves being the underdog and because of the fans, they are giving RAW all they can handle. Bryan hypes tonight’s show and says they are going to keep the momentum going. Shane reveals we’re starting the show with the Six-Pack Challenge and that’s right now.

Six-Pack Challenge for the WWE SmackDown Women’s Title: Becky Lynch vs. Noami vs. Nikki Bella vs. Natalya vs. Carmella vs. Alexa Bliss

Becky Lynch makes her way out first. Natalya is out next followed by Naomi with her crazy entrance. Alexa Bliss is out next as the others look on. Carmella is out next as we get a look at her recent attacks on Nikki Bella. Nikki is out next for the biggest pop. She takes off her shirt to reveal the new Wonder Woman-inspired gear.

The bell rings and everyone goes at it. Bliss with a roll up on Nikki. Natalya and Naomi go at it. Niki gets dumped to the floor and lands hard. Naomi sends Natalya out. Carmella drops Bliss. Becky dropkicks Carmella to the floor. It’s just Naomi and Becky in the ring now. They go at it. Naomi counters the Disarm Her but Becky escapes a pin. Naomi unloads with kicks but gets dumped to the floor. Becky stands tall before going to the top. Carmella cuts her off. Becky fights Carmella off but Carmella keeps coming. She brings Becky to the mat with a scissors and covers for a close 2 count.

Carmella and Nikki face off but Bliss and Natalya attack them. Bliss goes at it with Nikki in the ring while Natalya takes Carmella out. Bliss with a close 2 count on Nikki. Bliss keeps control but runs into an elbow. Nikki with a dropkick for a 2 count. Nikki works Bliss over but gets dropped on her head for another 2 count. Nikki rolls to the floor for a breather. Natalya with a basement dropkick to Bliss for 2. Becky comes in and unloads on Bliss and Natalya. She gets riled up and hits Bliss but Natalya nails her with a German. Naomi comes in and takes Natalya down with a scissors. Naomi with a Full Nelson Bomb to Natalya. Naomi with a submission until Bliss breaks it. Bliss gets dropped by Naomi and rolls to the floor. Carmella floors Naomi with a kick. Carmella stands tall and gets speared by Nikki. They go at it now. Carmella drops Nikki on her face. Carmella with the Code of Silence. Nikki powers up and hits the Alabama Slam for a close 2 count.

Nikki takes Carmella to the top and they trade shots. Nikki …

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