WWE Backlash: AJ Styles Vs. Dean Ambrose (WWE Title Match)


The following is from our live coverage of WWE Backlash. To access our full coverage, click here.

WWE Title Match: AJ Styles vs. Dean Ambrose

We go to the ring and out first comes AJ Styles. WWE Champion Dean Ambrose is out next. We get formal ring introductions from Hamilton.

The Network goes out as they lock up and comes back to Styles hitting a neckbreaker. Styles keeps Ambrose down for a few minutes. Ambrose fights up and out but Styles nails a dropkick. AJ keeps control and drops a big right hand for another 2 count. Ambrose looks to make a comeback but runs into the ring post. AJ with more offense on Ambrose. Ambrose gets back to his feet and fights back but Styles fights him back into the corner again. Styles leaps with a forearm but Ambrose moves and he hits the turnbuckle. Ambrose takes Styles to the top but Styles fights him. Ambrose with the super back suplex from the top as they both land hard. The referee counts while they’re both down.

More back and forth now. Ambrose catches Styles in a backbreaker for a 2 count. Ambrose goes to the top but Styles rolls to the floor. Ambrose leaps out anyway and nails the big elbow drop on the floor. More back and forth. Ambrose slams …

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