WWE Superstars Recap: Golden Truth Gets A Win, Bo Dallas, Curtis Axel, Jack Swagger Vs. Jinder Mahal


The Superstars opening video kicks off the show after the usual WWE signature. Jack Swagger and Jinder Mahal make their entrances as Tom Philips and Corey Graves check in on commentary.

Jack Swagger vs. Jinder Mahal

Swagger starts a “U-S-A” chant prior to Mahal attacking him from behind, knocking him out of the ring. Mahal punches Swagger several times before slamming him into the side of the ring twice. Mahal rolls Swagger back in. Mahal hits a running knee to the chest of Swagger before pinning him for a one count. Mahal locks in a headlock. Swagger fights out of it but is sent into the corner by Mahal. Mahal slams Swagger’s head on the turnbuckle prior to clotheslining him and pinning him for a two count. Mahal connects with a dropkick to the back of Swagger. Mahal hits a knee drop and pins Swagger for another two count. Mahal locks in another headlock. Mahal slams Swagger to the mat. Mahal hits a pair of knee drops on Swagger, but Swagger is able to get his boots up with Mahal’s third attempt. Swagger punches Mahal several times. Mahal is sent into the corner by Swagger before being clotheslined twice. Swagger hits a modified slam on Mahal. Swagger connects with another clothesline prior to pinning Mahal for a two count. Swagger goes for the Swagger Bomb. Mahal gets his feet up, but Swagger is able to grab his feet momentarily. Mahal goes for a kick, Swagger catches his foot and turns it into the Patriot Lock. Mahal taps for the finish.

Winner: Jack Swagger

A recap of the opening segment from RAW is shown featuring new Universal Champion Finn Balor relinquishing the title due to …

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