WWE Main Event Recap: Erick Rowan Gets A Victory, Rhyno, The Hype Bros Vs. The Vaudevillians


The Main Event opening video kicks off the show after the usual WWE signature. Rhyno and Erick Rowan make their entrances as Tom Philips and David Otunga check in on commentary.

Rhyno vs. Erick Rowan

Rhyno briefly locks in a wrist lock before Rowan nails a forearm to the face. Rowan kicks and headbutts Rhyno prior to stoking him in the corner several times. Rhyno eventually fights his way out of the corner, punching Rowan several times. Rhyno Irish Whips Rowan into the corner. Rowan returns with a dropkick to Rhyno. wan kicks Rhyno in the back and chest before locking in a headlock. Rhyno fights out of it and hits the ropes. Rowan elbows Rhyno in the face. Rhyno leans over the bottom rope as Rowan gets out of the ring. Rowan hits a boot to the face of Rhyno from the outside. Rowan climbs onto the ring apron before slamming Rhyno’s head into the turnbuckle. Rowan attempts it a second time, but Rhyno fights out of it and slams Rowan into the turnbuckle post, sending him off the apron and to the outside. Rhyno gets out of the ring. They exchange punches before Rhyno slams Rowan into the barricade at ringside. Rhyno rolls Rowan back into the ring. Rhyno reverses a suplex attempt by Rowan into a suplex of his own before pinning him for a one count. Rhyno hits a shoulder block on Rowan. Rhyno eventually elbows Rowan in the face prior to hitting a diving shoulder block on him from the second rope. Rowan moves out of the way of a Gore attempt. Rowan sends Rhyno into the corner before hitting a spin kick on him. Rowan hits a Full Nelson Slam on Rhyno prior to pinning him for the win.

Winner: Erick Rowan

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