Legal Corner – WARNING!! Ahmad Zahra, world famous scam is back

This is an alert to all aspiring and even experienced ballplayers out there. A WORLD famous Scam Artist at large in the International Basketball community named Ahmad Zahra is back (sometimes as Aziz AZ). He resides in Lebanon. This fake agent tries to convince players that he has lucrative contracts for them from different teams almost at random. The truth is, he has ZERO contacts or respect from any of the teams he claims he works with. He also will ask for “Up Front money” in order for him to even send the imaginary contract that he claims to have. Just a lesson here for all the players… in this business, you NEVER have to pay anybody for a contract, especially a contract that you havent even laid eyes on or know exists. The team is supposed to pay the agent his fees and cover all expenses for the player. This is nothing more than a SCAM. This Ahmad Zahra character is a liar, a thief, and a crook. If he comes to you with any potential job offers, just …

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