WWE CWC Results (8/24): Gargano Vs. TJP, Swann Vs. Lince Dorado, Sabre Jr. Vs. Gulak

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– Welcome tonight’s CWC! We start off with the unveiling of the CWC Trophy, made by the guys of Orange County Choppers. We then take a look at last week’s episodes that saw Akira Tozawa, Noam Dar, and Brian Kendrick advance.

– We get video packages of our first competitors and head to the ring for their match.

Rich Swann vs. Lince Dorado

Expect a fun and fast-paced match in this one. The crowd incorporating Swann’s old “All Night Long” theme with the new “Can You Handle This?” theme in a nicely done remix. High flying reversals from both men out of the gate. Lince Dorado blocks the lock ups and does a little dance of his own. Beautiful springboard cross body to the outside from Dorado to Swann and goes for the cover for a two count. Hangman’s neck breaker from Swann off making Dorado miss a corner attack. Swann applies a unique submission but Dorado powers out with knees. Dorado with a pin combo for a two. The two trade stiff forearms and chops. Frankensteiner goes array but they recover nicely and hit dueling scissors kicks. They recover in the middle of the ring and go blow for blow once again and each tires out. Big knee lift and flying cross body from Dorado and gets a two count. These two “dance partners” working well with each other. German suplex blocked by Swann and reverses it into a DDT. Swann goes for the standing 450 but Dorado gets the knees up. They reverse each other’s power moves and Dorado nails a reverse jumping hurricanrana. Dorado goes for a Shooting Star Press and nobody home! Swann up top and hits a huge Phoenix Splash for the three and he moves on to the next round. Great opener.

Winner via Pinfall: Rich Swann

– Backstage with Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa. As Gargano gets taped up, he says he’s heard the rumblings of him being …

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