Meet Australia’s LLWS mascot: Joey the kangaroo

The players from Hills Little League in Sydney, Australia have been on quite a ride this summer, and they’ve brought someone unique along to help them enjoy their journey: Joey.

But Joey isn’t a friend, family member or even fervent supporter; Joey, it turns out, is a large, yellow, inflatable kangaroo.

“If you haven’t already gathered,” manager Les Stockdale said after his team’s first game in this year’s tournament, “Australians are pranksters, to say the least. We try to keep it as fun as possible all the time.”

According to Stockdale, during the regional tournament in Australia back in June — that’s when the country’s Little League World Series qualifier is held, given the difference in seasons — the team began to distribute its own awards for goofy behavior. Make a silly mistake during a game? You get a jester hat. Watch strike …

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