WWE Monday Night RAW Results – Finn Balor Drops Title, Qualifying Matches, Bayley Debuts, More


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– Tonight’s WWE RAW opens up with a look at SummerSlam and Finn Balor vs. Seth Rollins for the WWE Universal Title. We go to the RAW opening video.

– We’re live from the Barclays Center in Brooklyn as the pyro goes off and Michael Cole welcomes us. He’s joined by Byron Saxton and Corey Graves. They go over Balor’s injury and show us video of the powerbomb into the barrier.

– We go to the ring and RAW Commissioner Stephanie McMahon welcomes us. Getting right to business, RAW General Manager Mick Foley introduces the first-ever WWE Universal Champion Finn Balor and out he comes to a pop. Balor comes out in a suit and a sling with the title over his other shoulder.

Balor hits the ring as fans chant “you deserve it” and his name. Balor says this title represents a lifetime of sacrifice and if you believe in yourself, you can do anything. Balor says he achieved the impossible at SummerSlam but there was a sacrifice. Balor thanks WWE for the opportunity, all the talents in the back. He also thanks Rollins for giving him the match of his life, which gets a mixed reaction. Balor then thanks the fans, most importantly. A “thank you Finn” chant starts up. Fans chant “no!” as Balor says for now, he has to relinquish the title. Rest assured, when he is healthy and fit and ready, he will be back and he’s coming for the title first thing. Foley takes the title from his shoulder and fans boo. Foley raises Balor’s arm and they cheer him. Balor’s music hits as Foley and Stephanie thank him. Balor makes his exit as Rollins’ music hits and out he comes. They trade looks as Rollins heads to the ring.

Rollins says the injury is a shame but let’s not live in the past, now we know who the true winner at SummerSlam was. Fans boo him. Rollins says this should be a celebration. Rollins proposes a championship celebration for the true WWE Universal Champion. The music interrupts and out comes Sami Zayn to a pop. Fans sing along as he heads to the ring. Before Sami can speak, Chris Jericho’s music hits and out he comes. Kevin Owens is out next, to another pop. Sami looks on as Owens makes his way out. Stephanie is whispering an idea in Foley’s ear when the music interrupts and out comes Enzo Amore and Big Cass. Fans go wild for them. Roman Reigns is out next to a loud mixed reaction. Rollins stands near the corner as everyone else argues. Fans chant for Heath Slater. Foley says everyone in this ring is deserving of a title shot, so they’re going to hold a series of matches that will culminate next week with the crowning of a new WWE Universal Champion. Rollins vs. Sami kicks off the series and that match is now. This leads to Owens distracting Sami on his way out of the ring and Rollins destroying Sami. We go to commercial.

WWE Universal Title Contenders Match: Sami Zayn vs. Seth Rollins

Back from the break and the two are going at it. They end up on the floor with Sami taking control for a pop. Sami brings it back in but Rollins nails a big kick. Rollins with more offense and a pin attempt as he keeps Sami grounded.

Rollins with chops in the corner now. Fans do dueling chants. Sami ends up coming off the ropes and his ankle buckles. He goes down. Rollins backs off but delivers a stomp. The referee backs him off again and Sami goes to the corner for a breather. Sami tells the referee he’s good to go but he doesn’t look so good. Rollins comes in and Sami dumps him to the floor. Sami is unable to run the ropes but still launches himself out onto Rollins. Sami lands on the injured leg again. Rollins brings him back in and nails a springboard knee to the head for a 2 count.

Sami clutches his leg and rolls back to the floor. Rollins stands tall in the ring as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Sami is trying to make a comeback. More back and forth. Rollins hits an enziguri after Sami’s leg goes out during a Blue Thunderbomb. They go up top and Sami headbutts Rollins to the mat. Rollins runs back up but Sami unloads on him. Sami hits a sunset bomb for a close 2 count. Sami blocks a Pedigree and rolls Rollins up for a close pin attempt. Sami with the exploder into the corner. Sami goes for the Helluva Kick but is slow moving and Rollins drops him with a running knee. Rollins stomps on the bad ankle and goes to work on it. More back and forth. Sami’s leg buckles when trying a Michinoku Driver and Rollins takes advantage, nailing the Pedigree for the win. Rollins advances.

Winner: Seth Rollins

– After the match, Rollins has his hand raised as Sami rolls to the floor and sells the ankle injury.

– Cole started to announce more Universal Title contenders matches but apparently jumped the gun. Still to come, a look at Brock Lesnar vs. Randy Orton from SummerSlam. Back to commercial.

WWE Universal Title Fatal 4 Way Qualifier: Kevin Owens vs. Neville

We go to the ring and out comes Kevin Owens. Neville is out next.

The bell rings and they go at it. Owens tosses Neville to the apron but Neville dumps him to the floor. Neville kicks Owens in the face and he goes down on the floor. Neville nails the 450 from the apron. He comes back in and hits a big dive over the top. Jericho comes down the ramp and distracts Neville, allowing Owens to floor him. We go to commercial with Owens in control.

Back from the break and they’re going at it. Owens misses a corner cannonball and Neville hits a German. Owens turns it around and goes to the top for the Frogsplash but Neville moves. Neville goes back up for a corkscrew moonsault and nails it for a close 2 count. Neville goes for another German and holds it for a 2 count. Neville goes for Red Arrow but lands on his feet. Owens with a superkick. Neville blocks the pop-up powerbomb and gets a 2 count. Neville goes back up for Red Arrow but Jericho distracts him from ringside. Neville decks him and then kicks Owens in the head. Neville goes back up but Owens cuts him off and nails a big neckbreaker for the win. Owens advances to next week’s Fatal 4 Way.

Winner: Kevin Owens

– Still to come, Cass vs. Rusev and Reigns vs. Jericho to determine who advances to the Fatal 4 Way next week.

– We see The New Day backstage with shenanigans. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and out come WWE Tag Team Champions The New Day to a big pop. Big E declares that he’s back. They do the usual before Kofi Kingston gives a sincere thanks to the fans for their success and their lengthy WWE Tag Team Title reign. Kofi says the fans made them because they were vocal during the good times and the bad times. Xavier Woods presents a unicorn pinata to celebrate the occasion. The …

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