WWE SummerSlam: John Cena Vs. AJ Styles


The following is from our live coverage of WWE SummerSlam. To access our full coverage, click here.

AJ Styles vs. John Cena

We go to the ring and out first comes AJ Styles as Greg Hamilton does the introduction. John Cena is out next. Fans do dueling chants for the two as we get the bell. Back and forth to start.

AJ ends up hitting a nice dropkick but shows off too much and gets floored by Cena. Cena whips AJ hard into the corner a few times. Cena keeps control as fans start singing their own version of his theme song. Cena tries for an Attitude Adjustment on the apron but AJ counters and suplexes Cena on the apron. They both fall to the mat. They come back in and Cena hits a big backdrop for a 1 count. Cena goes on and hits a dropkick for another pin attempt.

Cena goes on and hits a Five Knuckle Shuffle and AA. Styles counters and hits the Styles Clash but Cena kicks out. More back and forth with big …

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