WWE Superstars Recap: Sin Cara Gets A Victory, Curtis Axel, Jack Swagger Vs. Bo Dallas


The Superstars opening video kicks off the show after the usual WWE signature. Sin Cara makes his entrance with new theme music as Tom Philips and Corey Graves check in on commentary prior to Curtis Axel making his entrance.

Sin Cara vs. Curtis Axel

Sin Cara goes for a roll up, Axel kicks out. Axel kicks and punches Sin Cara, sending him to the mat. Axel sends Sin Cara to the ropes. Sin Cara is eventually able to hit a springboard arm drag on Axel after ducking a clothesline attempt. Sin Cara runs at Axel in the corner, but Axel dumps him over the top rope and onto the ring apron prior to nailing him with a forearm to the face, sending him to ring side. Axel throws Sin Cara back-first into the ring, before rolling him into the ring. Axel stomps Sin Cara several times in the corner before getting him up. Sin Cara kicks Axel and hits the ropes before receiving a drop kick from Axel. Axel locks in a headlock. Sin Cara eventually gets out of it, but Axel elbows him in the face and pins him for a one count. Axel locks in another headlock, prior to slamming Sin Cara to the mat. Axel goes for an elbow off the second turnbuckle, but Sin Cara manages to roll out of the way. Sin Cara hits a springboard cross body on Axel prior to hitting a springboard elbow and clotheslining Axel out of the ring. Sin Cara hits a Suicide Dive on Axel before rolling him back into the ring. Sin Cara then hits a moonsault off the second rope onto Axel prior to pinning him for a two …

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