TNA Impact Wrestling Results (8/18): 4 Way #1 Contenders Ladder Match, Lashley Vacates Titles




This week’s show opens with a highlight package of Bobby Lashley and all three of his title wins. The world title win against Drew Galloway at Slammiversary. The X title win against Eddie Edwards on Impact and last week’s King of The Mountain title win against James Storm.

Bobby Lashley is shown backstage when he bumps into Aron Rex and stares him down while new TNA president Billy Corgan looks on.

Back in the arena. Josh Matthews welcomes the audience to Impact and hypes tonight’s #1 contenders Ascension to Hell 4 way tag team ladder match. James Storm arrives and heads to the ring as highlights of last week’s main event are shown. James Storm calls Brian Hebner into the ring and confronts him about not counting the pin at the start of last week’s match. A clip is shown of last week’s main event where Storm attacked Lashley just as the bell rang but Hebner couldn’t make the count because he was tied up with ring announcer Jeremy Borash. Hebner defends himself but Storm isn’t pleased and asks for a rematch. Out comes Billy Corgan to address the situation.

Billy tells James that the ref’s decision is final and that games are lost in the 4th quarter not the first. James tells Billy, Last he checked this isn’t football. Corgan tells Storm that he is a TNA original and that he shouldn’t be complaining and that maybe the real issue is that he can’t win the big one. Storm goes to ringside and pulls out a toolbox and throws tools into the ring. He grabs a hammer and says he built TNA and that he can destroy the entire ring. James Storm calls Billy Corgan, a stupid rock star. TNA security comes out gets in the ring to defuse the situation. An irate James Storm yells at Corgan and tells him that while others like AJ Styles and company left the company. He stayed. Storm strikes one of the security members. Storm then threatens to beat up Billy Corgan. He says he has never beaten up a rock star but he is going to scratch that off of his bucket list and “smash a pumpkin”. Billy Corgan gets on the mic as Storm is leaving and suspends James Storm indefinitely.

Josh Matthews and The Pope are at ringside and recap what just took place and promote the upcoming match with Moose and Eddie Edwards which is scheduled next. Moose is then shown backstage having a conversation with The Miracle Mike Bennett. Moose tells Bennett that he looks forward to beating up Edwards. Bennett says that he has bigger and better things in mind for his own future. That match is up next.

Back from the break. A Bound for Glory PPV ad airs narrated by Matt Hardy. Clip shown of Storm’s suspension in the opening segment. Back in the parking lot. James Storm is shown being forced out of the arena and driving away in his car.


The “Miracle” accompanies Moose to the ring. He watches on as Moose controls the early portion of the match with his power and striking. Edwards uses his agility to battle back and hits a double knee strike off of the apron onto Moose. Edwards is then distracted by Bennett on the outside. This leads to a Moose scissors kick to Edwards followed by a power bomb on the apron. Action back in the ring. Moose is in control, He hits a snake eyes in the corner and then applies a chin lock. Edwards counters with a jaw breaker to break the hold but Moose hits an impressive dropkick for a 2 count. Moose then shows off his athleticism by spring boarding to the top rope and flying off but is hit in mid air with a drop kick by Edwards. Edwards hits the boston knee party but Bennett gets on the apron and distracts the referee. Moose then hits Edwards with a vicious lariat for a near fall. He goes for the playmaker but misses. Edwards gets Moose up to the top rope and hits a huracanrana. He then sprints quickly and does a suicide dive on Bennett on the outside to take him out. Edwards then climbs to the top rope, attempting to put Moose away but gets caught in a sky high powerbomb. Which leads to his defeat at the hands of Moose.


Maria is backstage with Jade. She tells Jade that if she doesn’t defeat Gail Kim tonight. She will never get another shot at The Knockouts Title Match.


The stipulation put in place before the match is that the loser of this one will never challenge for the TNA Knockouts title again. Battle of friends being forced to face each other by “Knockouts Leader” Maria. Good back and forth action early on. Evenly matched with a fair share of counters and reversals. The action eventually spills to the outside. Gail Kim hits a variation of the 619 on Jade using the ring post. She follows that up trying to springboard off of the ropes onto Jade but is caught in mid air and Jade hits a gut buster. Both women struggle to get back on their feet and then into the ring. Action picks up after they both exchange strikes. Gail Kim hits a tilt a whirl head scissors, clothesline and senton that lead to a 2 count. She then climbs to the top rope and misses a cross body. After a martial arts kick by Jade on Kim. They both end up in a rolling small package that eventually rolls onto referee Earl Hebner. Both women struggle to their feet, Jade misses a kick. Gail counters with her finisher, Eat defeat. Just as she covers Jade for the potential victory. Sienna runs out and pulls Gail outside the ring. The referee calls for the bell and the disqualification. Sienna …

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