Crew places Blazek on DL, promotes Magnifico


CHICAGO — The Brewers called up hard-throwing pitching prospect Damien Magnifico on Tuesday after reliever Michael Blazek finally succumbed to a right elbow injury that he revealed has been bothersome for several weeks.

Blazek was placed on the 15-day disabled list for the second time this season, though the problem area now is the flexor tendon in his right forearm, he said, and not the impingement behind the elbow that sidelined Blazek for three weeks in May and June.

“Over the last couple of weeks, every day it’s gotten harder and harder to loosen up,” Blazek said. “It feels weaker and weaker. I got to the point where I can’t feel the ball sometimes when I’m pitching. It’s been a struggle. I can’t get certain grips.

“It’s not painful, which is the good thing. ��� But it’s not allowing me to get into the right position when I throw. I don’t feel like I have any power behind anything.”

Blazek said he was unaware of additional …

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