WWE Monday Night RAW Results – Brock Lesnar Destroys, SummerSlam Match Preview, The Demon King, More


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– Tonight’s WWE RAW opens up with a look back at last week’s show.

– We’re live from Corpus Christi, Texas as Finn Balor is outside talking about how he will defeat “The Demon King” Finn Balor at WWE SummerSlam to become the first-ever Universal Champion.

– We go to the ring and Lana is in the ring with WWE United States Champion. They’re not happy. Michael Cole welcomes us and he’s joined by Byron Saxton, Corey Graves. Lana says they’re not leaving the ring and everyone must listen to what they have to say.

Rusev says Roman Reigns ruined a special moment last week and because of that, there will be no RAW tonight. No matches or anything. Rusev wants Reigns to come out but he gets RAW General Manager Mick Foley instead. Rusev continues ranting until Stephanie McMahon comes out and runs him down for not showing Foley respect. Rusev threatens to call Shane McMahon and Daniel Bryan to see if they want him on SmackDown. Roman Reigns is out next, insulting Rusev and Lana. This leads to Foley making Rusev vs. Reigns for tonight, so Rusev can defend Lana’s honor. Rusev and Reigns have words as we go to the announcers.

– Still to come, Rollins will call out The Demon King. Back to commercial.

Sheamus vs. Sami Zayn

Back from the break and we see what happened with Sheamus and Sami Zayn last week. Byron Saxton is in the ring interviewing Sheamus. He rips Sami and calls him a cheap knockoff of The Celtic Warrior. Sheamus threatens to kick his head off and out comes Sami to a pop.

Sami hits the ring and throws his shirt at Sheamus. They brawl before the bell. We get the bell and go at it. Cesaro joins the announcers for commentary. Back and forth to start. Sami goes for the tornado DDT through the turnbuckles but Sheamus levels him. We go to the commercial with Sami down on the floor.

Back from the break and Sheamus has Sami down in the ring. Fans chant “ole!” for Sami. Sheamus with more offense and another 2 count. Sami ends up trying for the dive but Sheamus hits him with forearms on the corner. Sami comes back and clotheslines Sheamus to the floor. Sami nails the big dive. More back and forth. Sheamus with a 2 count after White Noise. Sami comes back and hits the Blue Thunderbomb but Sheamus kicks out at 2. Sami readies for the Helluva Kick but Sheamus catches him in the Irish Curse. Sheamus readies for the Brogue Kick as Cesaro runs to ringside and distracts him. This leads to Sami getting the win with a Helluva Kick.

Winner: Sami Zayn

– Backstage segment with Kevin Owens and Chris Jericho cutting promos on Enzo Amore and Big Cass. Back to commercial.

The New Day vs. The Dudley Boyz

Back from the break and The Dudley Boyz are in the ring. We get another promo from Dr. Luke Gallows and Dr. Karl Anderson to taunt The New Day on Big E’s injury. WWE Tag Team Champions Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods are out next for this non-title match.

A miscommunication between The Dudleyz leads to The New Day getting a pretty easy win.

Winners: The New Day

– After the match, Kofi and Xavier take the mic to taunt Gallows and Anderson after they appear on the big screen with another vignette.

– Still to come, Nia Jax. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and Seth Rollins is backstage looking for Finn Balor. He walks up on Neville, who says Rollins isn’t ready for The Demon.

Rachel Levy vs. Nia Jax

Nia Jax makes her way to the ring as local competitor Rachel waits in the ring. Byron Saxton interviews her and she’s confident about winning, despite her small size. Nia dominates and ends up dumping Rachel out tot he floor. Nia brings her back in and hits her finisher for the win.

Winner: Nia Jax

– Paul Heyman is walking in Brock Lesnar’s locker room backstage. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and out comes Paul Heyman with Brock Lesnar to a big pop.

Heyman and Lesnar prepare for their promo when Heath Slater’s music hits. He comes out to interrupt, ranting on how he’s the hottest free agent. Heyman laughs him off. Slater …

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