Catching Up With Travis Hamonic


We don’t get too many updates from Travis Hamonic during the offseason, as the Islanders defenseman heads back to his cabin in Manitoba, unwinding on the lake and training hard in the gym.

Off the ice, Hamonic hit a personal milestone, getting married to his wife Stephanie. caught up with Hamonic to talk about the wedding, his cabin and what’s got him fired up for next season.

NYI: So you got married this summer. Congratulations.

TH: The wedding was great. Speaking for both Steph and I, I think the wedding was everything we had imagined it would be. It’s the most special day of your life, and it certainly was for us. It was a great time. We had a lot of the guys from the team come down, and it was good to catch up with everybody, and I bet if you ask anyone of them, they’d say they had a pretty good time as well. It was just a great day all around. We had a chance to go to Hawaii for our honeymoon, and we really enjoyed that as well. It’s a great spot, beautiful.

NYI: We saw the picture of everyone at the wedding, but not you. What happened? They didn’t make you take the picture did they?

TH: They were trying to track me down, but I guess when you’re at your own wedding, things are a little hectic. Maybe we can get someone to superimpose me into it or something.

NYI: What island did you go to in Hawaii? Are you a big surfer now?

TH: We went …

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