Ring Of Honor TV Recap (8/14): Build To Death Before Dishonor, Lethal-Cole Signing, Bucks Vs. RPG






After a recap video is shown of last week’s show where Jay Lethal convinced ROH matchmaker, Nigel McGuinness to put Jay’s world title on the line vs Adam Cole at the Death Before Dishonor PPV on Friday August 19th. Kevin Kelly and Nigel McGuinness are at ringside and they welcome the audience to the show. They hype Friday’s upcoming PPV. Kelly reveals that The Addiction were scheduled to face The Motor City Machine Guns and War Machine but the Guns are injured and The War Machine were injured in a backstage attack earlier today. Kelly promises to show what happened to War Machine later on in the show.

The opening match features the winners of the last two ROH top prospect tournaments in Donovan Dijak and Lio Rush.


The story of this match is the obvious height/weight difference between the two competitors. Dijak stands a foot taller and weighs over 100 pounds more than Rush. This is illustrated during the customary code of honor handshake when Dijak mockingly crouches down to shake Lio’s hand. Lio tries to escape Dijak’s grips early, only to be flung around the ring. Donovan Dijak overpowers Lio Rush early on and ends up flinging him outside the ring as Prince Nana looks on in approval. The battle goes to the outside and after some more bullying by Dijak. Rush counters a power move and sends Dijak into the barricade with a hurancanrana. Nana tries to get involved and Rush pushes him to the ground. The diminutive 160 pound Rush heads into the ring to confront Dijak but is met with a big boot that leads to a 2 count. Dijak is back in control and continues to manhandle Rush. Lio starts to rally and relies on his aerial skills to make a comeback as he follows up a suicide dive attempt by hitting a senton on Dijak to the outside floor. The show goes to it’s first commercial break. Back from the break, Lio hits a swinging tornado DDT on Donovan for a close fall. Lio then goes to the top rope to attempt a frog splash on Dijak but as he lands, Dijak grabs Rush by the throat, picks him up and hits a sit out power bomb for a near fall. After some more good back and forth action. Dijak hits a choke slam neck breaker on Lio. As he attempts to pin him. Prince Nana gets on the apron and tells Donovan to put Lio away with his finisher “Feast Your Eyes” but Rush counters and gets out of it. He then hits a reverse rana on Dijak and follows that up with a frog splash from the top rope for an extremely close near fall. Dijak gets Lio up for his finisher but Rush counters it with a crucifix roll up pin for the victory.


Post match. A stunned Dijak takes out his frustrations on Lio Rush and beats up on him until Jay White runs out to make the save. White is getting the advantage on Dijak until Kamaitachi shows up to aid Dijak. They gang up on White until security comes out to pull Dijak and Kamaitachi off of White. Kevin Kelly hypes that these 4 men will meet in a 4 way match at the ppv Friday.

A Jay Lethal with hair ad airs where he promotes The Health Alert Hotline. This is actually followed by a New Japan On AXS TV commercial. A little cross promotion between the two companies.

Back from the break. Dalton Castle is with his ring boys backstage in front of The ROH banner. He is talking about miniature horses when The Cabinet interrupts him. The Cabinet tries to borrow the young boys for training but Castle refuses. This segment appears to be setting up a future 6 man tag with The Cabinet vs Castle and his boys.

Back at ringside are Kelly and McGuinness. They are discussing the world title contract signing for later on in the show as well as a potential resolution to …

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