WWE Hall Of Famer Sunny And Former TNA Knockout Clash On Social Media Over Pregnancy Photos


WWE Hall of Famer Tammy “Sunny” Sytch and former TNA Knockout Brooke Adams are going at it on social media.

On Friday, Adams took exception to remarks Sytch recently made on Facebook about women posting “disgusting” pregnancy photos and responded with the following.

On Saturday, Sytch got word of Adams’ rant and went off on her on Facebook.

I love when people get tough behind a computer… No guts to say anything to your face. When you have a WWE Hall of Fame ring, you’ll have room to talk. Until then, when you work for a second rate company that can’t even run house shows because they suck so bad and are on some obscure cable network, shut your mouth. It’s nothing for me to choke a horse-faced b—h out.

FOR THE RECORD: about a MONTH ago, I posted that I thought that pregnant women should keep their naked pregnancy pics private. I DID NOT name ANYONE or single anyone out. It was a generalized statement. Well, last night, a certain Former TNA girl took it upon herself to take offense to it and call me out in a very nasty rant. Ok, you have courage behind your keyboard. YOU are in the wrong here. I never even SAW your photos. Good for you. You’re pregnant. You’re proud of it. There must be SOME INSECURITY though if you took my generalized statement and made it directed at you. Grow the f–k up. You’re kid will need an adult to look up to. Not some horse-faced b—h that acts like a child. You may have just started a war that , believe me, you don’t want to battle..

Shortly thereafter, Adams responded to Sytch on Facebook.

For my fans I apologize again you have to even see this side of me. And honestly it’s no way to talk or act. I am 100% not leading by example with any of this. It solves nothing. But sometimes you have to talk like trash to get through to the trash. She obviously has zero class so this is the best way to get my point through that ignorant head of hers. Sometimes …

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