Ibrahimovic reveals all…


Zlatan Ibrahimovic sat down with Sky Sports reporter Geoff Shreeves to discuss his move to Manchester United, his ambitions and his future.

The 34-year-old also spoke about his expectations for the Premier League, playing with Wayne Rooney, and why Marcus Rashford is the “future of England”. 

Here’s everything Ibrahimovic had to say ahead of his Premier League debut against Bournemouth, live on Sky Sports on Sunday…

Why here, why now?

It was the moment to come to England, and who would not come to Manchester United? I don’t believe there is anybody who could say no to a club like Manchester United.

Probably the players that play for other clubs in England would like to come here, 100 per cent. I am very happy I am here and representing Manchester United. Even the name sounds cool. I’m super excited.

Had coming to England been on your mind?

Actually, I hadn’t really thought about it before this moment. When I was at Barcelona I had some interest from England but not really 100 per cent. Now it was 200 per cent, not just 100 per cent. Even last year, but I stayed at PSG.

What did you make of the Premier League from afar?

I found it very exciting. There is no team that is too dominant like in other competitions, it is more equal and at the end the one that has been best over the whole season will be the champion. The Premier League gets a lot of attention worldwide and there are many great teams. I found it very attractive.

PSG dominated in France, you got lots of goals, awards, trophies, do you think you needed a new challenge?

I will never turn down a challenge, so when this challenge was presented to me I would never turn it down. I am not like many others who have it good and know they can perform at the top and would never change.

I am the opposite, I will take the challenge, work hard, I will sacrifice. We will see what the outcome is, but turning down a challenge does not exist in my world. I have been in every country, now England, and that is why I find the adventure cool. I came, I won, I went, hopefully I can do the same here.

Do you think there is any risk for you coming here? If so, does that make it more attractive?

The only risk is if I don’t win. For me individually I don’t see a risk. I have nothing to prove or demonstrate. I have my career, I have done what I have done, performed as I have, and I bring that to England. It’s about coming and winning and making Manchester United shine again.

From your high standards, what do you have to achieve here to be satisfied?

If I win I will be satisfied, it’s all about winning, if I can get the club back to where it belongs at the top of the table I will be happy. I am here to win. The individual comes from the collective, if I can win with the team then the individual is good also.

You said you regretted that you were only with Jose Mourinho for one season, but is this just for one year again or could it be more?

Let’s see what happens. You never know. It could be more than two, it could be more than three, let’s see how long I feel like I can perform. I will not be somewhere only because I am Ibrahimovic. I will be somewhere because I can perform and bring results.

You have done it before in other leagues, but do you think there is anything you particularly have to adapt to here?

I have to adapt to the team, the way the coach wants to play and the way the game is being played. I bring what I am good at, so it’s a kind of combination.

How do you find the balance, adapting to what they do here and also your own strengths?

Wherever you go it’s …

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