WWE Main Event Recap: Breezango Vs. The Hype Bros, RAW’s Sin Cara & Jinder Mahal


The Main Event opening video kicks off the show after the usual WWE signature. Sin Cara and Jinder Mahal, from the RAW Brand, make their entrances as Tom Philips and David Otunga check in on commentary.

Sin Cara vs. Jinder Mahal

Sin Cara hits a hip toss on Mahal in the early moments of the match. Mahal kicks Sin Cara before locking in a headlock. Sin Cara pushes Mahal to the ropes, Mahal returns with a shoulder block on him. Sin Cara eventually kicks Mahal prior to chopping him twice and hitting a modified springboard arm drag. Sin Cara throws Mahal into the corner. Mahal reverses an attack attempt, putting Sin Cara onto the top turnbuckle. Sin Cara hits a boot to the face of Mahal. Mahal pulls Sin Cara off the turnbuckle and into a clothesline. Mahal knees Sin Cara on the mat. Mahal goes to the second rope and nails a chop on Sin Cara prior to pinning him for a one count. Mahal hits a dropkick to the back of Sin Cara. Mahal locks in a headlock. Sin Cara fights out of it and kicks Mahal before Mahal hits a running kick of his own. Mahal goes to the second rope again. As he jumps off, Sin Cara dropkicks him. Sin Cara chops Mahal before hitting a springboard cross body. Sin Cara hits a springboard elbow as well. Sin Cara runs at Mahal in the corner, but Mahal sends him over the top rope onto the ring apron. Mahal runs at his opponent, but Sin Cara is able to pull the rope down, sending him to the outside. Sin Cara hits a suicide dive to the outside onto Mahal before rolling him back into the ring and hitting a springboard moonsault. Mahal hits a jawbreaker before being slammed to the mat by Sin Cara. Sin Cara hits the Senton from the top turnbuckle before pinning Mahal for the win.

Winner: Sin Cara

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