WWE SmackDown Results – Tag Team Main Event, Superstars Debut, Randy Orton, Heath Slater, More


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– Tonight’s WWE SmackDown opens with Charly Caruso approaching Randy Orton backstage. She mentions the main event against Alberto Del Rio tonight and asks how he’s staying focused on Brock Lesnar at SummerSlam. Orton says Lesnar may be big and bad but it only takes one RKO to get to Viperville. Del Rio appears and says Viperville sounds like a joke, something like Disneyland. Orton offers Del Rio a VIP experience but warns him that it’s a bumpy ride with a helluva landing. Del Rio threatens to break Orton’s arm and walks off. We go to the SmackDown opening video.

– We’re live from Bakersfield with Mauro Ranallo, David Otunga and JBL. Bray Wyatt makes his way to the ring as the arena lights up. Erick Rowan is with him.

We get a look back at last week’s show when Ziggler and Rowan took out Dolph Ziggler and WWE Champion Dean Ambrose. Wyatt wants to make something clear – he did not fall to Ziggler last week, he was a victim. He says Ziggler was desperate. Wyatt says Ziggler ran him into the steel and everything went black for him after that. Wyatt says he is a god and no matter how Ziggler tries, he can never kill a god. Wyatt goes on and says this is his show now. Fans boo. Wyatt says there is no red or blue, this is him against the whole damn world. The music interrupts and out comes WWE Champion Dean Ambrose to a pop.

Ambrose calls Wyatt’s promos biblical mumbo-jumbo and knocks them both. He says it sounds like Wyatt is being a big baby. Ambrose says SmackDown belongs to the people and the WWE Champion, not Wyatt. Wyatt laughs at him and challenges him to come in the ring. This leads to Ziggler coming out. He stops by Ambrose but quickly rushes the ring and gets beat down. Ambrose begrudgingly makes the save but also gets beat down. Ambrose comes back and sends Rowan over the top. Bray grabs Ambrose for Sister Abigail but Ziggler tries to make the save with a superkick, hitting Ambrose instead. Ziggler freaks out at the accident and knocks Rowan off the apron but eats Sister Abigail. The Wyatt Family heads to the back together as Ambrose and Ziggler recover in the ring.

– Still to come, Orton vs. Del Rio. Also, American Alpha will be in action. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and Ambrose is backstage with Ziggler. Ambrose isn’t sure that the superkick wasn’t an accident. They come face to face when Daniel Bryan and Shane McMahon get in between. They announce a tag team match for later tonight.

American Alpha vs. Mike Vega and Mikey O’Shea

We go to the ring and out comes Chad Gable and Jason Jordan. Local wrestlers Mikey O’Shea and Mike Vega wait in the ring. Before the match can begin, The Ascension’s music hits and out comes Konnor and Viktor. The Vaudevillains’ music hits and out comes Simon Gotch and Aiden English. Zack Ryder and Mojo Rawley are out next as The Hype Bros. also want to watch the match.

American Alpha makes quick work of their opponents and hit a double dropkick to send O’Shea to the floor. Jordan launches Vega and nails him in the corner before tagging in Gable for the double team and the win.

Winners: American Alpha

– After the match, Gable and Jordan celebrate as the other teams watch. They hit the apron and surround Gable and Jordan before hitting the ring. A big brawl breaks out and it comes down to American Alpha and The Vaudevillains. Gable and Jordan clear the ring and stand tall as their music hits.

– Still to come, Eva Marie’s “spectacular” debut. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and Renee Young is at the SmackDown Live table with Maryse and WWE Intercontinental Champion The Miz. She leads us to a video package on his SummerSlam opponent Apollo Crews. We come back and Miz is only interested in talking about his wife. Renee sends us back to the announcers.

Becky Lynch vs. Eva Marie

We go to the ring and …

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