Hall of Fame Game Failure Reveals Depth of NFL’s Incompetence and Greed


It’s a question everyone in sports has been asking: How did a multibillion-dollar league allow this to happen? How does the NFL allow its Hall of Fame field to resemble the Martian landscape?

How was this allowed by a league that fines players for the wrong socks? Or fines players for wearing logos on their headphones. Or the wrong color wristbands. Or for wearing a bandanna. Or for not wearing the proper color shoes. Or for honoring your dead father.

The NFL pays attention to those kinds of details. When it wants, the NFL sees everything, like, say, the PSI pressure in a damn football.

So how did this happen? I hate to say this, and I do not say it casually or with snark, but it’s true: This incident is the latest example of how the league just isn’t well run right now.

Just because the NFL is good at making gobs of money doesn’t mean it’s been operating smartly. The NFL focuses on the wrong things and doesn’t seem to care about the important ones. Like the condition of a playing field for one of its premier games that helps to honor its greatest players.

That’s the larger message to take away from Fieldgate (sorry). It’s difficult to trust the NFL now with almost any decision, big or small. Many, not all, of their decisions are the wrong ones. It’s harsh, but it’s true.

You don’t see the NBA running its league like it’s a Single-A affiliate in Sheboygan. Sheboygan is cool and all, but this is the N…F…Freaking…L. It’s supposed to be the best of the best.

And please do not tell me that the Hall of Fame runs the game and not the NFL. If you believe that, you also believe the pyramids are landing spots for alien ships. Well, actually, that’s a bad example, because that’s true. But the NFL and Hall of Fame are symbiotic entities. One does not exhale without the blessing of the other. It has been this way for decades. It will be this way as long as both entities exist.

It can also be accurate that this was naked incompetence by both powers, and there has been lots of naked incompetence in football lately. Pittsburgh running back DeAngelo Williams tweeted that in last year’s Hall of Fame game, the field was also …

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