Ken Doane On Dolph Ziggler’s Success, Wrestling For WWE At 16, TNA Star Turning Down Spirit Squad


Former WWE Tag Team Champion Ken “Kenny Dykstra” Doane was the recent guest of the Pancakes and Powerslams Show. You can download the full episode by clicking here, they sent us these highlights:

Being a druid at WrestleMania XX at 16 years old:

“I got a phone call, and my mom said somebody called from Stamford. So I looked, and it was Dr. Tom [Prichard] on the voicemail. I called back, and he was like, ‘Kenn Doane. I got one of your videotapes. Next week we’ll be in Philadelphia and Tuesday we’re going to be in Baltimore. Where are you gonna be?’ I said, ‘I’ll probably be at school, honestly.’ He’s like, ‘How old are ya?’ I said ‘I’m 16 and a half.’ He said, ‘Are you good at math?’ I said ‘yeah.’ He said, ‘Subtract two on your date of birth, that way you’re 18 now.’ I said, ‘alright, I’ll be there!’ So I get to Philadelphia, and they said, ‘you’re doing the White Boy Challenge with Rodney Mack’, and I said ‘okay! Cool!’ The next night I think I wrestled Ultimo Dragon, and then I drove back Tuesday night and went back to school for Wednesday.”

Keeping his age secret:

“The only one who knew was Dr. Tom. It was WrestleMania XX, I was a druid in Madison Square Garden. After the show, John Laurinaitis was like, ‘Hey. Would you be willing to move to Louisville?’ I was like yeah, sure! ‘Can you go there next week?’ [said Laurinaitis]. I was like, I need to finish school. He was like, ‘What do you mean finish school? What are you going to school for? How old are you?’ I said I just turned 18. He said, ‘You …

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