WWE Superstars Recap: The Dudley Boyz Get A Victory, Neville Vs. Curtis Axel


The Superstars opening video kicks off the show after the usual WWE signature. Neville and Curtis Axel make their entrances as Tom Philips and Corey Graves check in on commentary.

Neville vs. Curtis Axel

The bell rings as Axel runs at Neville. Neville moves out of the way, sending Axel into the turnbuckles before rolling him up for a two count. Neville hits an Insiguri on Axel. Neville ascends the turnbuckle, but Axel rolls out of the ring. Neville hits a moonsault on Axel to the outside. Neville rolls Axel back into the ring. Neville hits a springboard dropkick on Axel. Axel pulls Neville face first into the second turnbuckle soon after. Axel clotheslines Neville before pinning him for a two count. Axel attacks Neville on the mat. Axel dropkicks Neville and pins him for a two count. Axel locks in an arm submission. Neville fights out of it, as Axel pushes him into the corner. Neville boots Axel in the face prior to chopping him several times. Neville ducks a clothesline attempt before hitting a spin kick on Axel. Neville eventually clotheslines Axel in the corner before hitting another Insiguri. Neville climbs to the top turnbuckle and hits the Red Arrow. Neville pins Axel for the win.

Winner: Neville

A video package is shown highlighting last week’s setup of Seth Rollins versus Finn Balor for the new WWE Universal Championship at SummerSlam.

A recap of Seth Rollins and Finn Balor’s promo segment from RAW is shown featuring Finn Balor clearing the ring of Seth Rollins.

A recap of the United States Championship Match from RAW is shown featuring Rusev successfully retaining against Mark Henry prior to being confronted by Roman Reign and having an exchange with him.

The Dudley Boyz …

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