WWE CWC Results (8/3): Gargano Vs. Ciampa, NXT Star Advances, Jack Gallagher And Noam Dar In Action


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Welcome to tonight’s CWC coverage. We take a look back at last week’s episode and this week’s match-ups. Looks to be another fun show. Mauro Ranallo and Daniel Bryan welcome us to this evening’s events. They send it over to Corey Graves in the CWC Control Room as we look at our first match.

Rich Swann vs. Jason Lee

The ring announcer reminds us of the 20-minute time limit. Lee makes his entrance, nun-chucks in tow and wows the crowd. Rich Swann with the huge pop as he dances his way to the ring. Lee does not seem extremely entertained. The theme song continues as the bell rings and turns into “All Night Long.” They trade holds and have a standoff. Lee swings and misses and Swann nails a drop kick for a one count. Lee with some Bruce Lee-like chops and strikes to take advantage. Swann didn’t take lightly to a slap and hits Lee with several clubbing fists. Swann lands an acrobatic jumping hurricanrana. More back and forth action mounting to a roundhouse kick from Swann. Swann with a very impressive standing 450 splash for the three and the win.

Winner via Pinfall: Rich Swann

We go straight into the next match.

Noam Dar vs. Gurv Sihra

The young Dar enters with some pretty unique trunks and jacket. Sihra Bollywoods his way to the ring. Friendly handshake gets us started. They trade waist locks to get started and Dar takes out the knee of Sihra. Side headlock takeover by Sirha baiting him with the Bollywood camera. Dar catches Sihra with a single leg drop kick but doesn’t capitalize with a cover. Sihra goes for a kick but gets caught in the ropes. Dar sweeps the legs again as both men go down. Big running elbow to the corner from Dar and follows it up with a drop kick to the side of the head. Sihra counters with a double leg takedown and goes for a submission but is denied. Dar takes advantage with drop kicks to the corner. Sihra regains the …

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