The Karabatic brothers take on Rio 2016


After having watched them every day playing side by side at Paris Saint-Germain Handball this season, but also earlier at Aix and Montpellier, one forgets how special the bond is that links Nikola Karabatic to his younger brother Luka.

“You don’t get tired of your brother, especially when you’ve got a relationship as strong as we have one,” says 32-year-old Nikola Karabatic.

“I think that being reunited in the same club, with both of us playing in the national team makes us enjoy these moments even more. Our relationship is as strong as it has ever been, even if we see each other every day.”

This is well the case as both will be competing for France at the Olympic Games in Rio. For Nikola it is already the third Olympics – and he returned with gold in 2008 and 2012 – for Luka it is a premiere.

However, Nikola is not worried at all that his brother and other younger teammates get overwhelmed.

“These guys have respect, they focus on the right things, they work hard. We know what we’re going out for and that it would be a professional mistake to go just do some sightseeing.”

Not a rookie anymore

The final preparation games have gone well for France. At the Eurotournoi in Strasbourg last week they beat Egypt as well as Denmark and there is confidence in his words when Nikola speaks.

“We’ll only know if we’re ready when we enter the court for the first Olympic game, but for sure there have been good signs. The motivation is very high; for the younger players, for whom these Olympics are a first, and for those who have already won the title.”

However, when it comes to Luka Karabatic, who is likely to play an important role in France’s centre …

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