WWE Monday Night RAW Results – Brock Lesnar Returns, Mixed Tag Match, Braun Strowman Squashes, More


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– Tonight’s WWE RAW opens up with a look back at last week’s show. We go to the new opening video.

– We’re live from Atlanta, Georgia as Michael Cole welcomes us. He’s joined by Byron Saxton and Corey Graves, still sitting back away from the ring.

– We go to the ring and out comes new WWE Women’s Champion Sasha Banks to a big pop. JoJo introduces her.

Fans chant “you deserve it” as The Boss hits the ring. She cuts a promo and mentions how she will kick off her reign with a “W” at SummerSlam when the music interrupts. Out comes former champion Charlotte.

Charlotte isn’t happy as fans chant “you tapped out” at her. Sasha says something looks different about her. Sasha mocks her for tapping out and asks where her little friend Dana Brooke is. Charlotte says she doesn’t need Dana or even her dad to beat Sasha. Charlotte mentions how Ric Flair is off vacationing in a retirement home. She vows to take back the title at SummerSlam and says Sasha capitalized off one mistake while she was the best for more than 300 days. Charlotte says Sasha is just a one-night stand. Sasha says Charlotte wouldn’t be standing here if it weren’t for a one night stand because she’s Flair’s daughter. Chris Jericho comes out wanting them to be quiet.

Jericho calls Sasha an ungrateful little punk and says Charlotte is royalty. He also takes a shot at Flair and is sure Charlotte will get the win at SummerSlam. Jericho wonders why Sasha calls herself The Boss and wonders if she’s going to write him up for an infraction. He says she’s only the boss of purple hair and stupid idiot teeny-boppers like these that are here tonight. He makes fun of Sasha being Snoop Dogg’s cousin and calls her a brat. The music hits and out comes Enzo Amore to a big pop. No Big Cass with him.

Enzo hits the ring and flirts with Sasha, pointing out that she’s a boss and he’s a G. They “how you doin’?” each other back and forth until Charlotte interrupts. She and Jericho try to mock “SAWFT” but Enzo shuts them down. This leads to RAW General Manager Mick Foley making his way out. Foley says he may not be The Boss but he is their boss. Foley announces Sasha and Enzo vs. Charlotte and Jericho for tonight. That match is next. Back to commercial.

Enzo Amore and Sasha Banks vs. Chris Jericho and Charlotte

Back from the break and Kevin Owens is on commentary. Sasha takes control early on. Jericho comes in but Enzo clotheslines him to the floor. Sasha also sends Charlotte over the top. Sasha and Enzo run the ropes for double dives and return to the ring to stand tall as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Enzo ends up turning it around on Jericho. Enzo nails a crossbody for a 2 count. Enzo drops Jericho into his knee for another pin attempt. More back and forth. Jericho gets the Walls of Jericho applied but Enzo gets the bottom rope. Enzo nails a forearm and goes to the top but Jericho dropkicks him on the way down.

Sasha and Charlotte get tags. They unload on each other and Sasha hits the double knees in the corner for a 2 count. Sasha catches a kick and hits the Backstabber but out comes Dana Brooke. Sasha stops her from entering but Charlotte rolls her up. This leads to Charlotte getting the pin with a Natural Selection.

Winners: Charlotte and Chris Jericho

– After the match, Dana joins Charlotte in the ring and raises her arm. They leave the ring and Enzo checks on Sasha. Jericho comes from behind with a Codebreaker on Enzo. Jericho talks trash to Enzo and out comes Big Cass, sending Jericho retreating from the ring. Jericho joins Dana and Charlotte on the ramp.

– Still to come, Finn Balor. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and we get a look at The Bella Twins at the Choice Awards.

Braun Strowman vs. Evan Anderholm

We go to the ring and Byron Saxton is in the ring with jobber Evan Anderholm. He says if he loses, he gets $1000 and if he wins, he gets $5000. He’s terrified. Braun hits the ring and manhandles Evan to start. Braun runs over him with a shoulder and continues the slaughter. Braun goes on and gets the win with his chokeslam.

Winner: Braun Strowman

– We go backstage to Stephanie McMahon and Mick Foley, thankful that they have Braun on RAW. Mark Henry walks in and they’re happy to see him too. Henry is the WWE Ambassador to the Summer Olympics in Rio this year. Henry is excited to go to Rio for WWE and is excited about the changes in WWE. Henry says he’s made some changes in the Hall of Pain and it’s time for a re-opening. Stephanie says they brought Henry back to be more of a mentor. Henry means no disrespect in saying she’s wrong. Henry says he has a lot left in him and he feels like he needs just one more run. Foley puts him in a title match against WWE United States Champion Rusev for tonight. Henry gets hype and says he’s going to bring the title back to America because that’s what he does.

– R-Truth is backstage playing Pokemon Go. Goldust believes he’s addicted to the game. Goldust lures Truth to the ring and we go to commercial.

Golden Truth vs. The Shining Stars

Back from the break and Primo waits in the ring with Epico as Goldust and R-Truth are out. Goldust and Primo start off with some back and forth action. Epico gets involved and they double team Goldust to turn it around. Truth is busy playing Pokemon on the apron.

The Shining Stars get the win while Truth is still busy with the game.

Winners: The Shining Stars

– Still to come, Finn Balor. Back to break.

– Back from a break and we see NBA stars Tim Hardaway, Jr. and Dwight Howard at ringside.

– We go to the ring and Michael Cole introduces Finn Balor to a big pop.

Balor hits the ring and mentions how he knew he had to come to RAW and make an impact but he’s quickly interrupted by the music as Seth Rollins makes his way out. Rollins introduces Balor as a former WWE NXT Champion but reminds us he was the first. He says Balor was drafted but he wasn’t the first pick, Rollins was. Rollins says Balor shocked the world after pinning Roman Reigns last week but he also …

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