Ring Of Honor TV Recap (7/30): Jay Lethal & The Briscoes Vs. The Bullet Club, A Lethal Haircut




Airing in syndication and Comet TV on Wednesdays

Taped 6/25 Cabarrus Center Concord, North Carolina

The show opens with a recap of the actions last week by The Bullet Club in their attempt to sabotage the ROH world title main event. Adam Cole and The Young Bucks injured Kyle O’Reilly at the start and end of the show after his match with Lethal. Clip was shown of Nigel McGuinness declaring that Adam Cole would never be allowed to challenge for the ROH title because of his actions towards O’Reilly.

Jay Lethal starts off the show demanding to respond to what transpired last week. Lethal tells the audience that it wasn’t right what happened to Kyle last week. How the Bullet Club stole Kyle’s chance to compete for the title. Jay also states that he was upset that he had to defend the title under those circumstances. Jay addresses ROH matchmaker, Nigel McGuinness, who is at ringside doing commentary with Kevin Kelly. Lethal asks for this weeks main event to be changed from The Briscoes vs The Bucks to a 6 man tag with himself teaming with Jay and Mark Briscoe against Adam Cole and The Young Bucks. Nigel accepts the proposal and books the new main event.

After a commercial break. A video package is shown of Steve Corino and Kevin Sullivan seated together in what appears to be Corino’s backyard. Corino asks Sullivan why he betrayed him. As Sullivan gives his response to Corino. Flashes are shown on screen of Corino’s match with BJ Whitmer and Corino’s family. Sullivan tells him that BJ is the chosen one and not Steve and that he needs to make the right decision and get out of Whitmer’s way.

Back in the ring is The Getalong Gang and their leader, “P Dogg”. Just a little background, The Getalong Gang is a large indy faction that just recently joined ROH. It is compromised of 6 wrestlers and 2 valets all dressed in hip hop gear. P Dogg looks like a young version of Scotty 2 Hotty. Anyway…. P Dogg is in the ring beat boxing and he calls out Moose for a match, who arrives with his manager Stokley Hathaway.


The most notable aspect of this match is the fact that Moose has now wrestled for two different promotions in the last two weeks on tv. Of course here with ROH and just this past Thursday on TNA’s Impact Wrestling. Not the first and he won’t be the last because of how ROH and TNA tape their shows in advance. This was taped over a month ago. Complete squash match here. Moose took out the entire gang and finished off P Dogg with a spear.


Post match, Out comes Moose’s former manager Prince Nana with Donovan Dijak. Nana compliments Moose and his former apprentice Stokley Hathaway. Nana brought Moose into ROH and he offers up the challenge of Donovan Dijak. Moose accepts and that match is up next.


We return from the break and this match has just started. Dropkick by Moose sends Dijak to the outside. Moose is dominating the action on …

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