As Deadline nears, Cardinals remain quiet — for now


MIAMI — This has been an active date for dealing by the Cardinals, who, in each of the last three seasons, have completed a trade on July 30.

There was the Brandon Moss-for-Rob Kaminsky swap a year ago, and the acquisition of Justin Masterson for James Ramsey a season before that. In 2013, the Cardinals took Minor Leaguer Juan Herrera by sending out Marc Rzepczynski. Oddly, all three of those deals featured the Indians on the other end.

This year, however, there appears to be no impending transaction with Cleveland — or anyone else — as the Cardinals continue to inch toward the non-waiver Trade Deadline without a morsel of tangible activity thus far. It is worth noting, though, that while July 30 has typically marked the eve of the non-waiver Deadline, this year’s one has been pushed to 3 p.m. CT on Monday.

General manager John Mozeliak remains …

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