WWE Superstars Recap: The Dudley Boyz, Titus O’Neil Teams With Jack Swagger, Bo Dallas


A new Superstars opening video featuring only Monday Night RAW stars (set to the same theme as before) kicks off the show after the usual WWE signature. Sin Cara makes his entrance as Tom Philips and Corey Graves check in on commentary. Bo Dallas makes his entrance, reverting back to his Bo-Lieve gimmick.

Bo Dallas vs. Sin Cara

Bo Dallas rolls to the outside of the ring after the bell rings, shouting “Bo-Train,” as he starts circling the ring. Sin Cara goes for a baseball slide, Bo ducks it. Sin Cara runs at Bo, but Bo launches him into a headstand on the ring apron. Sin Cara hits a headscizzors on Bo at ringside. Sin Cara rolls Bo into the ring. Bo attempts to attack Sin Cara, but Sin Cara moves out of the way before kicking Bo and ascending the turnbuckle. Bo rolls to the other side of the ring before Sin Cara can attempt a Senton. Bo pulls Sin Cara’s neck down on the top rope from the ring apron prior to clotheslining him. Bo pins Sin Cara for a two count, before kneeing him on the mat several times. Boo pins Sin Cara for another two count. Bo locks in a headlock. Bo throws Sin Cara to the mat before going for the cover twice. Bo locks in another headlock. Bo maintains control until being Irish Whipped into the corner by Sin Cara. Sin Cara kicks Bo before hitting a springboard cross body. Sin Cara hits a springboard elbow to Bo shortly after. Sin Cara ducks a clothesline and hits a springboard Asai Moonsault before pinning Bo for a two count. Bo reverses an Irish Whip into the corner into an Irish Whip of his own prior to clotheslining Sin Cara. Sin Cara hits a modified slam before climbing to the top turnbuckle. Sin Cara hits a Senton prior to pinning Bo for the win.

Winner: Sin Cara

A recap of the opening of Monday Night RAW is shown, featuring …

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