WWE Main Event Recap: Hype Bros, Vaudevillians, Tyler Breeze


A new Main Event opening video featuring only SMACKDOWN Live stars (set to the same theme as before) kicks off the show after the usual WWE signature. The Hype Bros (Mojo Rawley & Zack Ryder) make their entrance, followed by the entrance of The Vaudevillians (Aiden English & Simon Gotch) as Tom Philips and David Otunga check in on commentary.

The Hype Bros (Mojo Rawley & Zack Ryder) vs. The Vaudvillains (Aiden English & Simon Gotch)

Ryder and Gotch start the match. They exchange wrist locks before Gotch locks in a headlock. Ryder pushes Gotch to the ropes, but gets taken down by Gotch wit a shoulder block. Gotch kicks Ryder before hitting the ropes. Ryder hits a dropkick on Gotch. Ryder slams Gotch’s head on the turnbuckle before Rawley tags in. Rawley Irish Whips Ryder into Gotch (hitting a forearm to the face), before Ryder throws Gotch towards Rawley. Rawley takes Gotch down with an attack to the knee. Gotch gains control and tags in English before they hit a double chop to the chest of Rawley, followed by a double punch to the face. English knees Rawley in the head, then punches him before Irish Whipping him into the ropes. Rawley ducks a clothesline attempt and hits a cross body. Rawley says “He Ain’t Hype!” several times before eventfully hitting a backdrop on English and tagging in Ryder. Ryder hits several forearms to the head of English, setting him up for the Broski Boot in the corner. English rolls out of the ring to avoid the attack. Ryder hits a dropkick through the rope to Simon Gotch at ringside, sending him into the barricade, before being thrown into the barricade himself by Aiden English as we head into a commercial break.

English keeps Ryder grounded as we return from commercial. English locks in a headlock. Ryder attempts to get out of it, but English throw him into the ropes and attacks him, taking him down again. Ryder rolls to the outside of the ring. English rolls out and runs at Ryder, but Ryder hits a boot to the face. Gotch runs at him as well, but Ryder moves out of the way as Gotch hits the barrier at ringside. Ryder slowly gets back in the ring and starts crawling to Rawley. English comes in and hits a splash on Ryder’s back prior to stomping him several times and then hitting a leg drop. English pins Ryder for a two count. English tags in Gotch. Gotch connects with a knee to Ryder’s head. Gotch locks in an arm submission. Ryder hits two forearms to Gotch’s head. Gotch releases the submission and runs toward Rawley, but Rawley jumps off the apron. Gotch …

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