Chelsea Warr, Halsall, Carlin & Co’s Smart Track Recruiter To Be UK Performance Boss


Chelsea Warr, the woman who oversaw the selection and monitoring of talent for swimming’s Smart Track program that talent-spotter Fran Halsall, Jazmin Carlin, Elizabeth Simmonds and teammates in their young teens, has been appointed UK Sport Director of Performance.

The role of to “drive the progress of Great Britain’s high performance system after Rio 2016”. In Britain since she was appointed by Bill Sweetenham, performance director of British Swimming, to head Smart Track in the 2004-2005 season, Australian Warr will be the strategic high performance lead for UK Sport.

A statement from UK Sport noted: “One of her first tasks will be to oversee the implementation of the critical strategic investments to be made by the UK Sport Board in December when around £350M of National Lottery and Government funding is expected to be invested in Olympic and Paralympic sports for Tokyo 2020 and beyond. ”

Carr said: “I am incredibly honoured, privileged and excited to have the opportunity to lead the high performance system into the next stage of …

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