A-Rod celebrates 41st birthday from bench


HOUSTON — Alex Rodriguez walked into the visitor’s clubhouse at Minute Maid Park on Wednesday afternoon wearing a nice dress shirt and jeans. He strolled over to his locker before changing into a midnight navy shirt and green shorts.

Rodriguez then sat down and began to roll up his high socks when pitcher Michael Pineda, who went seven innings in the Yankees’ 2-1 win over the Astros Monday night, greeted Rodriguez, fist bumped the veteran and uttered a single phrase.

“Feliz cumpleaños,” Pineda said.

It was Rodriguez’s 41st birthday, but the three-time American League MVP Award winner and 14-time All-Star was not in the lineup for the fourth consecutive game.

“I’m getting old,” Rodriguez said, “that’s for sure.”

Rodriguez did not play during the Yankees’ first two games of the series with the Astros, leaving open the possibility …

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