WWE Monday Night RAW Results – Big Main Event And Debuts, Title Change, The Club Attacks, More


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– Tonight’s WWE RAW opens up with a new intro video. We’re live from Pittsburgh with Michael Cole, Corey Graves and Byron Saxton. They’re back near the production area. We go to the ring with Commissioner Stephanie McMahon and General Manager Mick Foley.

Foley brings the RAW roster out to the stage. He talks about producing the best show every week. Stephanie says Foley will have full authority status to do what he needs. Stephanie brings up Roman Reigns costing the brand the WWE Title at Battleground. Fans boo. Stephanie calls him a loser. She says there has always been a heavyweight champion on RAW and the world demands it. She says that’s exactly what they’re going to get. Foley announces Fatal 4 Way matches for tonight. The winner will face Seth Rollins at SummerSlam to crown the new WWE Universal Champion. The participants are revealed to be Sami Zayn, Sheamus, Chris Jericho, Cesaro, Roman Reigns, WWE United States Champion Rusev, Kevin Owens and Finn Balor. Balor appears and gets a big pop. They address WWE Women’s Champion Charlotte and announce Charlotte vs. Sasha Banks for tonight because of the tag match loss at Battleground.

WWE Universal Title Qualifier: Cesaro vs. Rusev vs. Kevin Owens vs. Finn Balor

Back from the break. We go to the ring and out first comes Cesaro followed by WWE United States Champion Rusev. Kevin Owens is out next. Finally, Finn Balor makes his first entrance to RAW and gets a big pop.

The bell rings and Balor takes Owens to the corner while Rusev takes Cesaro to a corner. They go to the floor while Owens and Balor go at it. Owens with a shoulder tackle. They run the ropes and Balor hits a dropkick. They also go to the floor. Rusev gets sent into the barrier. Cesaro leaps off the apron and takes Rusev down with a cannonball. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and Balor is down. Owens ends up talking trash and keeping Balor down in the corner while Cesaro and Rusev go at it. Owens and Rusev end up double teaming Cesaro before having issues. Owens with a senton on Cesaro. Rusev tries to one-up him. Owens brings Balor in the ring. Balor fights them both off with forearms. Balor ducks a clothesline but gets slammed for a 2 count. Rusev breaks the pin. Rusev with a side suplex on Owens. Rusev misses a diving headbutt. Owens and Rusev trade shots. Cesaro takes them both down with a crossbody from the top.

Cesaro with the Uppercut Train on all three opponents. Rusev stops a Cesaro Swing on Owens. Cesaro boots Rusev and tosses him to the floor. Cesaro also tumbles to the floor. Balor turns around to a shot from Owens. They trade counters and Balor hits a dropkick. Balor runs the ropes and dives out onto all three of his opponents. Balor takes Rusev out with kicks from the apron. He comes in and goes at it with Cesaro. Balor goes on and hits the 1916 on Cesaro for a 2 count. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and Rusev counters to slam all three out of the corner. More back and forth, offense by Rusev. Owens drops Cesaro on the floor with a superkick. Owens goes to the top and hits a Frogsplash on Balor but Rusev breaks the pin. Owens with a pop-up powerbomb on Balor but Cesaro barely breaks the pin up. Owens blocks the Neutralizer but eats the springboard corkscrew uppercut. Cesaro goes for the Swing on Owens but Rusev superkicks him. Rusev with a kick to Owens as well. Rusev applies The Accolade on Owens but Cesaro breaks it and suplexes Rusev on his head. Cesaro with a 2 count on Rusev. He applies the Sharpshooter but it’s blocked. Rusev with The Accolade for a 2 count. The hold is broken and Cesaro floors Rusev with a clothesline.

Rusev and Cesaro get up trading shots in the middle of the ring. Cesaro hits the Swing on Rusev and then applies the Sharpshooter. Owens breaks it with a superkick. Owens with the corner cannonball on Owens. Balor comes in and hits a Slingblade on Owens. Balor dropkicks Rusev and goes to the top for the Coup de Grace and the win. Balor is going to the main event.

Winner: Finn Balor

– After the match, Balor celebrates as the crowd pops.

– Still to come, The New Day will celebrate their record-breaking title reign and new cereal. Also, Nia Jax debuts. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and we go to the announcers, still over in their new location and standing as they talk about the brand split.

Nia Jax vs. Britt Baker

We go to the ring and out comes Nia Jax for her main roster debut. Local wrestler Britt Baker waits in the ring. Nia attacks and hits a big splash in the corner. Nia catches Britt and slams her in the corner. Nia keeps control and destroys Baker, getting the easy win with the leg drop.

Winner: Nia Jax

– After the match, Nia stands tall as the referee tends to her opponent.

– We see Sasha Banks backstage when Goldust and R-Truth walk in playing Pokemon Go. They walk off and Tom Phillips approaches Sasha for comments on tonight’s Women’s Title match. Sasha says she finally gets to expose Charlotte tonight. Sasha says it’s a New Era and the New Era is about to have its first new champion, The Boss. Sasha says the title is about to have a new swag to it and it’s about to get lit.

– Still to come, Roman Reigns vs. Sami Zayn vs. Sheamus vs. Chris Jericho to determine who faces Finn Balor in the main event. Back to commercial.

– Brock Lesnar is announced for next week’s RAW.

WWE Universal Title …

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