Mark Hunt unloads on UFC over Brock Lesnar situation: ‘F**k your sh*t company’


Mark Hunt is furious about the Brock Lesnar situation and he’s not going to stay quiet about it.

In an explosive interview Monday on The MMA Hour, Hunt unloaded on both the UFC and Lesnar, criticizing the UFC for allowing Lesnar to fight Hunt at UFC 200 despite the WWE superstar failing two drug tests ahead of UFC 200.

Both test results were handled by USADA and came back positive for the anti-estrogen agent hydroxy-clomiphene in the days after Lesnar handed Hunt a one-sided decision loss at the bicentennial event.

“Before the fight I was assuming he was cheating,” Hunt said. “Look at him. There’s no way that guy makes 265 pounds. That guy is a gimp, he’s sticking needles in his ass like the rest of these cheaters. And the thing about that is, he’s sitting here saying ‘this is a fair place.’ Well, it’s not fair. These guys are cheating and they should be in court for it. (They should) lose all of their money if they’re cheating, because if I die in there, who’s going to look after my family.

“That’s corrupt sh*t, man. These motherf*ckers should be penalized hard. Dirty, scummy, cheating scum. That’s how that monkey won his world title. He didn’t do it by doing it clean. He did it by cheating, just like the …

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