Klagenfurt is truly the capital of Beach Volleyball


Klagenfurt, Austria, July 25, 2016 – One week at the Wimbledon of Beach Volleyball, the next in the Capital of Beach Volleyball.

The legend of Klagenfurt in the Beach Volleyball world only grows year by year. Players from around the world have, since the tournament’s debut on the FIVB World Tour in 1997, called it their favorite event of the year.

That includes the Americans, even those who grew up in or close to Manhattan Beach, which holds the legendary Manhattan Beach Open every year. Of course, when they relate their opinion of Klagenfurt, they always seem to add the qualifier that “Manhattan is Manhattan.”

In the same vein, there is nothing like Klagenfurt. While the place to be before, during and after three days of the Manhattan Open is Shellback Tavern, this sleepy village turns into a massive Shellback-type party starting at the campground next to the stadium, which is full a week before the players even arrive for the tournament.

The city of about 95,000 residents is nestled in the hills on the eastern shore of Lake Wörthersee (apologies to the redundancy police; “see” in German translates to “lake” in English), a body of clear, inviting water with a spectrum of blue hues.

One observer said the area has a hint of Northern California wine country to it, though in this case you can substitute grape vines for the occasional cornfield.

It’s the natural beauty that grabs your attention immediately, so there’s your first impression. That will last a lifetime. Next you’re treated to a sensory overload of PARTY for a week, but that portion of the …

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