LB Morgan: On NFL to study medical cannabis


2:48 PM ET

NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Tennessee Titans outside linebacker Derrick Morgan has done extensive research on the potential medical benefits of cannabis and said it’s incumbent on the NFL to study it.

“I just take the NFL for their word: If they say that long-term health and player safety are top priorities of the league, then why aren’t you looking into all the options for health care that are out there?” he said in an interview with ESPN. “It’s definitely incumbent upon them to really delegate some time and some resources to look into it.”

Morgan joined former Baltimore Ravens offensive lineman Eugene Monroe in calling for NFL cannabis research on June 23 in an appearance on Yahoo! Global News. Monroe was since released by Baltimore and has retired from the NFL.

“I just take the NFL for their word: If they say that long-term health and player safety are top priorities of the league, then why aren’t you looking into all the options for health care that are out there?”

Derrick Morgan

That leaves Morgan as the lone, active NFL player to speak out about cannabis research, though he said he’s shared his extensive homework with other players and expects some will come forward to join him as cannibals is de-stigmatized.

He said he got overall very positive response from a variety of people, from players to doctors to politicians.

Skeptics may wonder if Morgan is a casual user of marijuana. He …

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