WWE Battleground Results – The Shield Goes To War, Six-Man Matches, Champions Retain, Bayley, More


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– We’re live from Washington, DC as Renee Young welcomes us to WWE Battleground. She’s joined by Corey Graves, Booker T and Jerry Lawler. They make small talk and hype the WWE Network. We go backstage to Tom Phillips in the Social Media Lounge. He will be taking questions for Daniel Bryan and Mick Foley later tonight.

We get hype for tonight’s multi-man matches – The Wyatt Family vs. The New Day and The Club vs. John Cena, Enzo Amore and Big Cass. Andrea D’Marco is backstage with Zack Ryder, who is confident about bringing the WWE United States Title to SmackDown tonight. Back from another break and they discuss tonight’s women’s tag match. Booker has it on good authority that Lita will be the mystery partner for Sasha Banks. We get a video and discussion for Kevin Owens vs. Sami Zayn. We come back to Cesaro on the panel. He’s not happy about watching from the sidelines, calling it salt in the wound. He doesn’t care who wins their match, he just hopes they stop interfering in his matches. We go backstage to Foley and Bryan in the social media lounge. They both talk about taking the focus off management and putting it on the Superstars and the in-ring action on their brands. Foley said the Hall of Famer he would have drafted would be Terry Funk while Bryan would have drafted Shawn Michaels.

We get discussion for tonight’s Intercontinental Title match and go to another break. We come back to hype for Randy Orton on The Highlight Reel before going to Byron Saxton and Mauro Ranallo at ringside.

The Usos vs. Tyler Breeze and Fandango

We go to the ring and out first come The Usos. Out next comes “Breezango” Tyler Breeze and Fandango. They dance and pose on the apron as The Usos look on. Fandango starts off with Jimmy Uso. Uso gets the upperhand and in comes Jey Uso for more offense and a 2 count. Breeze comes in and takes chops. Uso misses a shot as Breeze and Fandango turn it around.

More back and forth until The Usos turn it around. Jimmy Uso gets a hot tag and unloads, hitting a Samoan Drop and then the Rikishi splash in the corner on Fandango. Breeze breaks up a 2 count. Jey runs in to take him out but Fandango hits a kick. Jimmy with a superkick on Fandango. More back and forth. Fandango takes Uso up for a superplex. Uso fights him off and kicks Breeze off the apron. An electric chair by The Usos is blocked by Breeze and they get just a 2 count after a crossbody. Fandango knocks Uso off the top and in comes Breeze. More action all over the place. Breeze blocks a Samoan splash with his knees and keeps Uso held for the pin.

Winners: Fandango and Tyler Breeze

– After the match, Breezango celebrates at ringside as we go to replays. We come back to The Usos looking on as Breeze and Fandango make their exit.

– More discussion from the panel before going to a video package on tonight’s main event. That’s it for the pre-show.

– The 2016 WWE Battleground pay-per-view kicks off with a video package. The pyro goes off as we’re live from a sold out Verizon Center in Washington, DC. Michael Cole welcomes us. He’s joined by JBL and Byron Saxton.

Dana Brooke and Charlotte vs. Sasha Banks and Bayley

We go to the ring and JoJo makes the introductions as Dana Brooke is out with WWE Women’s Champion Charlotte.

Cole introduces the Spanish and German announce teams at ringside. Sasha Banks is out next to a big pop. Fans chant for Bayley as Sasha waits. The music hits and out comes Sasha’s mystery partner to a big pop – Bayley. They celebrate in the ring but are attacked from behind by Dana and Charlotte. Fans boo.

Things settle down but the heels quickly take control and control most of the match over Sasha. Bayley finally gets a hot tag and unloads on Dana. Charlotte distracts Bayley from the apron, allowing Dana to trip her and drop Bayley on her head. Dana turns it around and covers for a 2 count before keeping Bayley down.

Fans chant for Bayley and she rolls Dana up for a 2 count. Bayley goes back to work before Sasha eventually comes back in. Counters between Sasha and Charlotte. Dana breaks up a Banks Statement. The end comes when Sasha hits a Backstabber and applies the Banks Statement. She keeps it locked until Charlotte taps out.

Winners: Sasha Banks and Bayley

– After the match, Bayley rushes in the ring to celebrate with Sasha. We get replays and come back to the babyfaces looking down at the heels from the ring. Sasha and Bayley hug to end it.

– We get a video package for tonight’s first of two six-man matches.

The Wyatt Family vs. The New Day

We go to the ring and out come WWE Tag Team Champions The New Day. They cut promos on going to RAW and their opponents tonight. The Wyatt Family is out next as the two teams stare each other down. Xavier Woods looks to start out for his team but he’s frozen. Kofi Kingston tags in and attacks Bray Wyatt. Woods is still frozen but finally leaves the ring. Braun Strowman tags in and floors Kofi. Braun keeps on and in comes Erick Rowan. Rowan keeps control of Kofi and nails him in the kidneys for a 2 count. Rowan keeps Kofi grounded.

Kofi fights back but gets dropped with a big clothesline. Wyatt comes back in and knocks Kofi towards their corner. Wyatt with a slam and a senton for another 2 count. Kofi looks to make another comeback but Bray nails a huge clothesline. Woods is terrified and drops off the apron. Kofi eventually manages to send Wyatt to the floor. Braun tries to get him back in. Big E tags in and unloads on Rowan.

Braun breaks up a 2 count on Rowan. Braun and Bray both get cheap shots in on Big E. Rowan slams him for a close 2 count that Kofi breaks up. Braun misses a big running boot in the corner and hits the floor. Kofi runs the ropes and leaps out onto Braun. More back and forth. Bray blocks Trouble In Paradise and goes for Sister Abigail but has no luck. Woods and Wyatt meet in the middle of the ring and he is frozen again. Wyatt takes out Kofi as he comes off the top. Woods attacks Wyatt and unloads on him. Wyatt dumps Woods to the apron but gets kicked in the head. Woods goes up top and nails a splash . Woods takes out Rowan. He decks Braun on the apron but can’t knock him off. Big E runs over and spears Braun off the apron, into the barrier. Wyatt turns upside down and Woods is frozen again. This leads to Sister Abigail for the win.

Winners: The Wyatt Family

– After the match, Greg Hamilton announces the winners as The Wyatts stand tall in the ring. Woods rolls to the floor. We get replays and come back to The Wyatt Family posing in the middle of the ring.

WWE United States Title Match: Zack Ryder vs. Rusev

We come back and go to the ring and Lana has a mic. She asks everyone to stand and welcome the only man that can have her. Out comes WWE United States Champion Rusev. Zack Ryder is out next in red, white and blue.

Ryder hits the ring as we see some of the international announce teams in the arena, including Funaki with the Japanese team. Rusev uses his strength to start and ends up on the mat with Ryder. Rusev with two quick pin attempts. Ryder looks to turn it around with a dropkick through the ropes. He brings it back in and kicks Rusev. Rusev runs into knees int he corner but swats a missile dropkick out of the air. Rusev with a big kick to the neck. Rusev mounts Ryder with right hands now.

Rusev keeps control and hits a spinning heel kick for another 2 count. Rusev keeps Ryder grounded again. Ryder gets an opening and unloads on forearms. Ryder keeps control but the Broski Boot is blocked and Rusev turns it around. Ryder blocks a suplex and hits a neckbreaker. Ryder hits the Boot in the middle of the ring but Rusev kicks out at 2. Rusev suckers Ryder in on the floor and sends him into the barrier. Rusev suplexes Ryder on top of the barrier ribs first. The referee counts. Ryder turns it back around and hits a missile dropkick from the barrier. They come back in and he hits the Rough Ryder. Ryder goes to the top for the elbow drop but Rusev barely gets his knees up. Rusev with a big kick to the back of the head. Rusev stomps and applies The Accolade. Ryder tries to fight out of the hold but Rusev falls back and tightens the hold for the win.

Winner: Rusev

– After the match, Rusev raises the title and stomps on Ryder. The “Hype Bros.” music hits and out comes Mojo Rawley to the ring. He rushes in and comes face to face with Rusev, screaming at him. Rusev backs down and leaves the ring. Mojo checks on Ryder as Rusev joins Lana on the ramp. Mojo and Rusev talk trash as the music hits.

– WWE RAW Commissioner Stephanie McMahon is backstage with General Manager Mick Foley. Seth Rollins walks in and they remind him he has the chance to bring the WWE Title back to RAW tonight. Rollins is confident about tonight’s Triple Threat.

– We get a video for tonight’s match to end the Owens vs. Zayn feud.

Sami Zayn vs. Kevin Owens

We go to the ring and out first comes Sami Zayn. Kevin Owens is out next. Sami misses a Helluva Kick to start the match. They end up on the …

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