WWE Battleground: Darren Young Vs. The Miz (WWE Intercontinental Title Match)


The following is from our live coverage of WWE Battleground. To access our full coverage, click here.

WWE Intercontinental Title Match: Darren Young vs. The Miz

We go to the ring and out comes Darren Young with WWE Hall of Famer Bob Backlund. WWE Intercontinental Champion The Miz is out next with wife Maryse.

Back and forth to start. Miz drops Young with shoulder tackles. Young comes back with a big shot of his own and a swinging neckbreaker for a 2 count as Maryse looks on. Young takes Miz to the corner for more offense. Miz runs into boots. Young goes up top but Maryse yells at him, allowing Miz to knock Young to the floor. Miz keeps control on the floor and rams Young back into the …

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