WWE Battleground: Sami Zayn Vs. Kevin Owens


The following is from our live coverage of WWE Battleground. To access our full coverage, click here.

Sami Zayn vs. Kevin Owens

We go to the ring and out first comes Sami Zayn. Kevin Owens is out next. Sami misses a Helluva Kick to start the match. They end up on the floor brawling early on. Sami takes control after whipping Owens into barriers and hitting a stiff clothesline. Sami rolls Owens back in and ducks a clothesline, then hits a kick to the face for a quick pin attempt.

Owens takes control after crotching Sami on the top rope. Owens with the corner cannonball for a 2 count. Owens keeps control and drops Sami for another 2 count. Owens with elbows to the face now. Owens keeps up the offense on Sami as fans do the “ole!” chant. Owens mocks their chants and goes for a suplex but it’s blocked. Owens blocks that and drops Sami ribs first over the top rope. Owens with a kick to the back and then the front. Owens with a running senton for a 2 count.

Owens keeps Sami grounded now. Owens mocks fans chanting Sami’s name as he keeps him down in a headlock. Sami finally manages to cut Owens off with a clothesline. They end up on the apron and Sami looks to botch a move, possibly hurting his shoulder. Owens takes control and brings it …

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