WWE Battleground: The Wyatt Family Vs. The New Day


– We get a video package for tonight’s first of two six-man matches.

The Wyatt Family vs. The New Day

We go to the ring and out come WWE Tag Team Champions The New Day. They cut promos on going to RAW and their opponents tonight. The Wyatt Family is out next as the two teams stare each other down. Xavier Woods looks to start out for his team but he’s frozen. Kofi Kingston tags in and attacks Bray Wyatt. Woods is still frozen but finally leaves the ring. Braun Strowman tags in and floors Kofi. Braun keeps on and in comes Erick Rowan. Rowan keeps control of Kofi and nails him in the kidneys for a 2 count. Rowan keeps Kofi grounded.

Kofi fights back but gets dropped with a big clothesline. Wyatt comes back in and knocks Kofi towards their …

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