WWE Superstars Recap: Final Episode With SMACKDOWN Live Stars, The Dudleyz In Action, The Usos


After the usual WWE signature and Superstars opening video package, Alicia Fox and Summer Rae make their entrances as Tom Philips and David Otunga check in on commentary, joined by Dolph Ziggler this week.

Summer Rae vs. Alicia Fox

Summer pushes Alicia prior to pointing at her and laughing. They then lock up, with Alicia briefly gaining the upperhand with a wrist lock. Summer reverse the momentum with a wrist lock of her own prior to taking her down to the mat. Summer hits the ropes and runs at Alicia, Alicia jumps over her, as Summer hits the ropes on the other side. Alicia takes Summer down with a modified headscizzors. Summer rolls to the apron, with Alicia trying to pull her back into the ring. The referee backs Alicia off prior to Summer grabbing Alicia by the hair, and slamming her to the mat. Summer gets back into the ring and runs towards Alicia, but Alicia connects with an elbow to the face of Summer. Alicia sits up on the turnbuckle, only to receive a spinkick from Summer sending her down. Summer then stomps Alicia in the corner several times. Summer goes for the cover, but only gets a two count. Summer lays Alicia’s neck on the second rope prior to applying a knee to the back of her head. Summer grabs Alicia by the head and flips her onto the mat twice before going for the pin and getting a two count. Summer then locks in a headlock, with Alicia eventually rolling Summer out of it. Alicia then hits another elbow to the face of Summer as well as connecting with a knee strike to the midsection. Alicia clotheslines Summer, prior to hitting her with two dropkicks. Alicia hits a Northern Lights Suplex, followed with a bridge for a pin attempt, with Summer kicking out at two. Alicia tries to attack Summer, but Summer ends up throwing her face first into the second turnbuckle. Summer then pins Alicia with her foot on the bottom rope, and gets the win.

Winner: Summer Rae

Alicia comes after Summer outside the ring after the match, but the referee stops her before she can get to Summer. The announcers hype The Dudley Boyz versus The Usos for later in the show, as well as a recap of the opening RAW segment from this past Monday.

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