Cody Rhodes On Nixed Rematch With Stephen Amell Leading To Stardust Being Dropped, Goldust Feud


Source: The Ric Flair Show

Recently on The Ric Flair Show, Cody Rhodes talked about his relationship with his brother, Dustin, whether a match between the brothers was ever supposed to be a WrestleMania bout, and when Cody was supposed to drop the Stardust character.

Interestingly, Cody admitted that he and Dustin only started to really bond when they worked together in WWE three years ago.

“People do not realize that Dustin and I are 16 years apart [in age] and we grew up in completely different households. And, essentially, even though Dusty is our father, we essentially grew up with different fathers because of how Dusty was when he had Dustin and how Dusty was when he had me. With that said, the first time we really got like a real bonding experience in my entire life with Dustin was when he came up [to WWE] and we had our six-man tag match with The Shield at [WWE] Battleground (2013) and then after, moving forward after that, winning the tag titles and the run we had as Goldust and Cody Rhodes prior to the Stardust/Goldust, so I think watching him is incredibly motivating.” According to the former member of Legacy, there were never plans for a WrestleMania match between Stardust and Goldust and their match at Fastlane was supposed to end their feud.

“It was never intended to be a WrestleMania match. Fastlane (2015) was it. I was …

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