ROH TV Recap: Roderick Strong’s Farewell Match, MCMG And The Addiction, Kevin Sullivan Speaks


Welcome to Ring of Honor TV! Kevin Kelly and Nigel McGuinness welcome us to Concord, NC and we go right to the action.

Kamaitachi vs. Jay WhiteFirst out is Kaimatachi with The Addiction, as we go to footage of his role in helping the tag team champions retain their titles over Motor City Machine Guns at Best in the World. Jay White out next from Auckland, New Zealand, and Kevin Kelly tells us this is his debut match after recently graduating from the NJPW dojo.

White reaches in for the handshake but Kamaitachi unloads on Jay instead. Kamaitachi stomps a mudhole in Jay but the rookie fights back with a big forearm off the ropes. Loud chop from White and both men switch standing inside and out of the ring before Kamaitachi spears White through the ropes onto the floor.

Kamaitachi on the apron now and he lands a running double foot stomp on a standing White! Christopher Daniels looks on proudly as Kamaitachi sends White into the chairs and barricade. Jay White returns the favor but misses a knee and goes flying into the barricade again. Daniels with a clothesline on the outside while Kamaitachi argues with the ref in the ring.

Full control now for Kamaitachi, who exits the ring and runs White’s leg into the post as we go to our first commercial break.

Back now and Kamaitachi brings Jay to the ground with a quick leg toss, dropping right into a figure four. White breaks at the ropes and pushes Kamaitachi off until he’s able to find the strength to nail a DDT.

Jay White gets a second wind and delivers a series of strong elbows. Running uppercut forearm into the corner on Kamaitachi followed by a modified brainbuster, but White is unable to spring up because of the damage done by the figure four.

Instead White hops to the top rope and hits the missile dropkick for a close 2 count. White goes for a side slam but Kamaitachi flips him into a roll up for a near fall. A kick to the head and Kamaitachi is back on top as White looks out of it.

Kamaitachi to the top and he lands the double knee drop to White’s head, but only gets a 2 count from the ref! White gets set up on Kamaitachi’s shoulders, but he counters out for a dropkick into a modified urinagi.

White goes to suplex Kamaitachi, who has rolled over to the apron next to Daniels. As Jay attempts the suplex, Daniels pulls his feet for the interference and the save. White has had enough and lifts Daniels onto the apron, only for Daniels to get accidently dropped by a charging Kamaitachi.

White takes control of Kamaitachi and hits the Kiwi Crusher (Ki-Crusher style finisher)! Jay White gets the cover and the 3 for the upset win!

Winner (via pinfall): Jay WhiteThe Addiction with the beat down on White after the match, but down the ramp come the Motor City Machine Guns to break it up and chase the tag champs from the ring.

Sabin said he’s sick of The Addiction sticking their nose where they don’t belong, and tells Kamaitachi that The Addiction are nothing but a “Bad Influence.” Sabin suggests a 6-man tag, and Nigel says he’s all in as we go to break!

The Addiction and Kamaitachi vs. MCMG and Jay WhiteOur new match begins with a double team sequence of kicks and stomps by The Addiction on Chris Sabin. Daniels in control and he tags in Kamaitachi to continue the beating. Big elbow and a dropkick for a two count.

Kazarian tags in and nails a …

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